• Hello there. I began writing my own template this morning and nothing is showing up when I go to view it. I’ve made sure permissions are 777 for each file, and everything seems to be working on the backend, just nothing is showing up when I hit my site. Anyone feel like helping by looking at my code and seeing if something is wrong?

    I basically designed my own page, cut it up into the different template files, added the right tags, etc…

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  • A linky might help, or is it that link in your name…?


    Ok, well I see your site, but you said nothing is showing up when you go to see it? Maybe you fixed the problem?

    If not, you are using WP1.5.2, so make sure you have your new theme activated in the WP Admin (Presentation > Themes). I’d be happy to take a look at your code if you wish.

    Oh, sorry about that lol. You’ll have to excuse me a little bit, coming down off a really bad hangover and my mind is so much onto this lesbian threesome I was invited into on Sat lmao! Anyway…mylagoon is right, make sure ya have it activated in the control panel and also….do you have the call tags for the theme in your template files..? Placed In there right I mean…which I’m sure you do..


    designed my own page, cut it up into the different template files, added the right tags…
    There is one crucial point in all this, namely to take the content of the <head> section from a working theme into the header.php file.

    Thread Starter jcontonio


    I posted another problem related to this…I got the thing to show up but when I make a change to a file, the changes aren’t showing up live. I can see it on an ftp server, or through the admin interface, but not on the web…and it’s not a caching issue. I’ve tried mupltiple networks and multiple computers. Any guesses?

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