• Hi

    I am using analytical as theme. I would like to make a little change in the design. I would like to remove the keys. Would anyone be so kind as to help me out? the website is https://www.ultimech.com

    Thank you so much in advance.

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  • Thread Starter massy74


    Hi Jon,

    I am using chrome developer tool. When I analyse an element, there are 2 table, one on the left hand side and one of the right hand site. Which one do I need to look at?

    You suggested to enter the following lines:

    .skebg_nav.right {
        display: none !important;

    Why did you put “.” before skebg? There is no “.” in none of the tables. There is only only skebg_nav.righ in the table on the left hand side which I assume is the one I need to look at. I made a try without “.” and it does not work therefore I assume that the “.” before skebg is very important to make it work. Please advice.




    The left hand side is the HTML and the right hand side is the CSS, you can click on the various div’s on the left and the CSS that corresponds shows in the right.

    If you view your site, the black menu on the right hand of the screen has now gone ??

    Maybe this is a Caching issue?

    After you do the changes, make sure that you clear the cache and “hard” refresh the page in your browser to be able to see the changes right away. If you’re not sure how to “hard” refresh a page in the specific browser you’re using, just Google it and you’ll find instructions how to do that. Also, don’t forget if you have any Caching WordPress plugins installed, or use a CDN (like CloudFlare) to also either clear their cache or disabled them for the time being altogether. This site has some great instructions on cache clearing: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache


    To explain a little more, click on this on the left hand side skebg_nav right then on the right hand side you will see the custom CSS that you just added ??

    Thread Starter massy74


    OK – let’s start from the beginning. I removed the lines so now I have the keys on the right hand site. I am doing the following:
    – Click on developer tool. Two table come up on the botton.
    – Right click on the keys on the right hand site of the website.
    – Click on “inspect element”
    – I have on the left hand side table: skebg_nav right etc….and on the right hand side one there is .skebg_nav etc…

    Now which one do I need to look at in order to understand which lines I need to remove? You wrote “.” before skebg which does not appear in the left hand side table.

    Hi Max

    It is what appears on the right! This is the CSS styling that you customise! You can play around with this in the browser, just edit what is on the right hand side until you get the result that you want, once happy copy this styling you have amended into your custom style sheet.

    You only need to copy the actual lines in the CSS id or class that you have edited and not every line! you dont want to duplicate any styling that has not been edited.

    Sometimes you might find that your custom CSS does not work so you may try to force it by ending the line with !important;

    Hope this helps ??

    Best to play around and learn as you go along

    Thread Starter massy74


    Hi Jon,

    Sorry to bother you but you did not answer to my question ?? I copy and paste below.

    “Why did you put “.” before skebg? There is no “.” in none of the tables. There is only only skebg_nav.righ in the table on the left hand side which I assume is the one I need to look at. I made a try without “.” and it does not work therefore I assume that the “.” before skebg is very important to make it work. Please advice”

    Hi Max

    The . is there in the right hand side, this . implies that it is a CSS Class where as if it began with # it would be a CSS ID.

    If you are starting out with CSS maybe this free course may help ??


    Thread Starter massy74


    Hi Jon,

    I cannot see it. I have the following:

    Right hand side table
    skebg_nav right..etc…

    Left hand side table

    You suggested to add .skebg_nav right which is like a cobination of both.

    Thread Starter massy74


    Also another thing:

    Thanks to your suggestions, I don’t have these keys any more. However, if I access to the website by using my smartphone, the top left hand side key is still there. The one on the right hand side does not appear at all as I wanted. Do you know why the mobile site still show the one top left hand side only?


    Thread Starter massy74



    Any update regarding the last issues?


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