• Resolved itmonitor



    Thank you for the WP Project Manager plugin.

    I am testing it. I need to configure it so when an User (not Administrator) logs in into WordPress, the dashboard will only display the WP Project Manager menu and hide the other WordPress settings (Users, Settings, Plugins, etc.)

    In other words: how to disable the WordPress dashboard access for the WP Project Manager users.

    This is to avoid the Users to mess up the WordPress settings.

    Please, let me know how to configure WP Project Manager in this way.

    Looking forward to your reply

    Best regards


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  • Plugin Support Md. Yeasin


    Hello @itmonitor,

    By default, each registered user has the option of showing the Admin Panel on the frontend or back-end of the WordPress site. Thus, to change your preferences, just visit Users>click edit button of your desired profile and choose your options as seen here https://prnt.sc/jjv3fq.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Thank you Yeasin. Please, which User Capabilities should be enabled so a non-Administrator user will have access to all functions of WP Project Manager?


    Plugin Support Md. Yeasin



    Thanks for your questions.

    Only assigned users are able to see their own projects on the dashboard by default.

    We have two permission settings 1. Project manage capability 2.Project create capability. as you can see the screenshot https://prntscr.com/erek97.

    So, if you allow your user’s user role to manage projects then they will be able to see all of the projects from their front end WP Project manager dashboard and assign themselves.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Hi Yeasin,

    many thanks. There is a last tweak we need before we let the WP Project Manager live to our users.

    Present setup: Only one WP Project Manager Administrator and 3 WP Project Users with the following roles (see screenshot here https://www.diigo.com/item/image/5pj5q/8bdv ).

    What we need: each WP Project User cannot notify other Users, but only the Administrator, please see screenshot here https://www.diigo.com/item/image/5pj5q/khqv

    How can we do this either at the Settings, restricting User Roles or through hardcoding?

    Any advice is welcome.



    Plugin Support Md. Yeasin



    The mail notification will be sent to the project manager/admin automatically while submitting a comment in a task. However, users are able to notify anyone assigned by mentioning them as you ca see the video clip here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hcSY0Dw1Id7e0PHtXnPRafoo3YfiHrUQ/view

    If you need any technical solution then you can create a support ticket because our technical team can help you with the correct guidance. Create your ticket here- https://wedevs.com/account/tickets/

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Thank you.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Hello Yeasin,

    Your support website blocks me from opening a ticket unless I purchase the WP Project Manager plugin first (I need to add the serial in the ticket). Is there a way I can request a quotation from you concerning the modifications in the plugin I listed above?



    Plugin Support Md. Yeasin



    We apologize for this unexpected inconvenience.

    It seems like you did not have clicked on the pre-sales menu to submit a support ticket as you can see the screenshot https://prnt.sc/jnycg8.
    However, you can submit your project proposal here https://wedevs.com/contact/.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Thank you, I sent a message through the Contact form.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Hello Yeasin,

    I sent a message one week ago, no replies from our friends at wedevs.com. Is there a way we could speed up this quotation for the tweaks I need in your plugin?



    Plugin Support Md. Yeasin


    Hello @itmonitor,

    I apologize for this unexpected inconvenience.

    I promise that you will get a support update very soon.
    Also, You can share the ticket number here, if you did not get any replies.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itmonitor


    Hi Yeasin, I just sent you and email at s***[email protected] requesting you a quotation. Look forward to your reply, rgs. IM.

    Plugin Support Md. Yeasin



    We do not have any pending tickets right now.
    Would you please check your mail inbox to get a support update.

    Best regards.

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