• This has helped me as I redeveloped an old site to run on wordpress. If I make the change and have the WordPress version hosted, I will likely move to pro

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  • Plugin Support beatrice12


    Thank you for your feedback and review!

    Thread Starter apbliv


    Hello Beatrice

    Thank you for responding.

    I do have one issue in a 3 column gallery of before and after garden pictures at https://wordpress.cn2023.synology.me/garden-design-gallery/.

    In the last three rows the thumbnails are reversed in columns 2 and 3 in desktop view, but in the slide show they sequence in the right order – images with suffix After 1 appear before After 2. On my phone, the thumbnails and slideshow are correct. On my desktop, if I narrow the window to force the mobile size, the thumbnails swap around to their correct positions. If I resize back to desktop, they stay in the correct position, but a refresh changes the thumbnail order again. Do you have any idea why that might be? Is it Modula or the IXION theme that I am using?



    Plugin Support beatrice12


    Hi @apbliv,

    Is it possible to open a new thread here regarding this issue? It is important to note that providing support within reviews is not within the guidelines of this platform. Creating a dedicated thread will allow us to offer assistance more comprehensively and in adherence to the platform’s policies.

    Thank you,


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