I’m really sorry that you’ve had a bad experience with our PRO theme. My name’s Mihaela and I am the customer support representative for CPOThemes. We’ve just been notified about this issue and I wanted to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience! And to also maybe clear things, as it seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding along the way.
Re. the theme’s portfolio feature:
Please allow me to explain this as I am not sure how you reached the conclusion that you need to buy another external plugin in order to unlocked the portfolio features – this is certainly not the case. Only the Lite version of the theme has some portfolio options locked, but once you buy and install the PRO version all those features are unlocked.
As you can see from my screenshots the difference between the PRO: https://gyazo.com/8297d44fb95a0b292b8f1b10cc8a0f3d
And on the Lite: https://gyazo.com/c5b1973b12f669a879b8bf1831ed2e0e
Nowhere on the PRO theme does it say you need to purchase another plugin to unlock more features, as there are no more features.
Re. the customizing typography
As you can see on our website: https://demos.cpothemes.com/allegiant/features/customizable-typography/ – it clearly states that:
Google fonts, At Your Service
This theme includes a selection of available fonts directly from Google Webfonts, carefully hand-picked to match with all the possible styles of your site. You can easily change the typefaces of various elements in the design with only a few clicks, and no coding at all. The font selection tool features a small preview that will let you see what each font looks like.
You can customize the three main typographic elements of this theme:
The headings, such as page titles and widget headings
The navigation of the main menu
The body copy
I will also attach a screenshot with the typography option of theme, which does exactly what it says in the description of that feature: https://gyazo.com/1bd6654296a6729b35b7ab3600ee2475
We are sorry if there was any confusion regarding what you were purchasing, we did our best to create a clear and concise product description. We will double-check it to see if it needs further improvement.
Takeaway points:
Please understand that is not in our best interest or our clients’ to sell them ‘scam themes’. We do our best to answer our support tickets as fast as we can and help our clients to the best of our abilities, but due to timezone differences it might take a few hours to get back to you.
To extend our apology we are officially offering you a refund for your payment, if you’re interested in taking us up on this offer you can either reply here or send us an email about this.