• Howdy —
    Somthing odds, going on with my login precessing here’ the URL that shows up when enter a wrong username/password?
    The other is the password being sent when I request isn’t working either?
    Any ideas?

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  • you’re not on your own, good news is that this will be fixed in the next stable release. see: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=26721 for more info.



    I actually got my WordPress 2.0 working now. I had this problem but I’d done some modifications to the wp-settings.php file.

    Where it says:

    if ( !defined(‘COOKIEPATH’) )
    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/’ ) );
    if ( !defined(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’) )
    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ ) );

    I had these lines commented which resulted in the same redirect problem with the / turning to %2Fs. I uncommented it and I could login to the website again. Check your wp-settings.php file that these lines are there.

    I have a similar problem. I followed all the links above but nothing helped. When I login it just redirects me back to my blog. I cannot login to my admin panel. What is wrong?

    Now I have another problem. I have reset my password various times. But whenever I enter my information it tells me that it is incorrect. Should I just completely reistall WordPress?


    I have found what the issue is with this:

    1) You may have added this site to the “blocked cookie list” – delete it from there
    IE: tools > internet options > privacy > sites > look under managed sites
    If your site is there, delete it

    2) Make sure your browser is accepting cookies for this site
    Between the login and the re-direct to the correct admin page it seems like WP reads
    the cookie, if it ain’t there, it will just redirect to the wp-admin page again
    IE: tools > internet options > privacy > sites > in address of website type your
    url with https:// in front and click “allow”

    3) Test by setting your security level to low.
    IE: tools > internet options > privacy > drag lever down to “accept all cookies”

    You may need to apply just 1 or all of them for it to work.

    Hope you get it working & God Bless

    This one kept me going for a good hour because I could’ve sworn I added my domain to my allowed sites list. But of course either I hadn’t or something screwed up – I had this same problem and it was definitely a cookie issue.

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