• Hello sir,I am using hexam plug for online exam website but which Attach
    [hexam id=test_number hexam] this code on my site page then not show any form it’s show a finish button only. So please help otherwise suggest any other plugin.

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  • Hello dhiru. Have you created quiz already? Which test do you want to put yo your wp page? For example if you have created your first quiz in dashboard->hexam, then its ID is 1, and so you must put this code to your page: [hexam id=1 hexam]
    Are you sure that you did all correctly?

    Great tool for online exams. I need a self enrolling student to be charged a fee (paypal or ) before they can take the exam. How can I set this up? Also will your plugin print a certificate of pass and auto populate the person’s name. I need it to do this. Or who has a plugin like this. thanks [signature moderated per forum rules]

    I installed Hexam 1.2.4 plugin. In admin panel(dashboard) i am seeing only the create new test link and there is no edit your test link.

    And the second one I put the [hexam id=1 hexam] tag in my post, after creating a test with two questions. but it only shows a button saying ‘Finish’ and no questions and answers were displayed.

    Please help me!

    Hello Ansoft. Problem seems very strange. If it is possible you can give me an access to your dashboard panel. i would check this problem in its place. You can contact to me in facebook, username elvin.haci .

    Thanks Elvin. I tried my self. I re installed the plugin and its working now. Now I’m testing the plugin. If I face another problem i will catch you in facebook.


    Five response options from 1 to 5 wish scored
    It can be solved.
    Please help me, thank you.

    Attila Vigh

    Hello Sinop. Please describe details of your problem. I didn’t get what you want ??



    Hello, Thanks for this great plugin.Everything works fine but it just shows the score, not the correct answers. It just says ~your score is:x?; how can i make it show the correct answers?

    Guaven Labs


    Hi Chinekop. It is possible with some code changes. I have just made it for you. Now, open hexam.php file of the plugin in your editor, go to 78th line. Highlight 78-87 lines, remove them, and paste this code there instead of just removed lines:

    $i=0;$point=0; $correct_answers='Correct answers: ';
          foreach ($question_row as $tests) {
     $correct_answers= $correct_answers.' '.$i.')'.$tests->correct;
            if ($_POST["answer_".$i]==$tests->correct){
         if ($testnamerow->testtype=='QUIZ') {
    	    $replacement= $replacement.'<b>'.$word["hscore_1"].' '.$point.' '.$word["hscore_2"].'.<br>'.$correct_answers.'</b>';

    Everything should work fine. Just make this replacement correctly. Backup your plugin before you make any changes. If any difficulty, you can write here.



    Thank you so much your quick response. Another question, can I also let them see the questions on result page, so they can check which answer matches the question.

    And also is there way to show answers with letters; instead of having the answers as numbers like 1 2 3 ?

    Guaven Labs


    Chinekop, of course, they all are also possible. But these features need serious code changes. Contact to me via email(you can get it from readme.txt of the plugin).

    Hey Elvin,
    I couldn’t find your mail address in readme.txt file. Can you please send me an email ([email protected]), thank you so much.

    Good Morning,

    I just installed hexam and it seems to work all perfect but when i edit for a second time the test every previous question appears with strange characters.
    Is there any option to solve or workaround this problem?

    You can see the problem in tihs link: https://www.fdefoto.com/blog/fototest/

    First ten questions appears wrong (after and exam’s edit) second ten questions appears ok (without a second exam’s edit)

    Thanks in advance for you time and support

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