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  • Thread Starter akyboy


    as i remember in old plugin wg_ prefix was only in username which cannot be changed

    BUT display name was without prefix

    this user logged in with old plugin, this is just example:

    Plugin Author strejla


    Я понял…
    I realized…

    Thread Starter akyboy


    spasibo! :PP

    And i want you and my other Russian friends to be able to login:


    Plugin Author strejla


    Протестируйте пожалуйста. Одновременную поддержку нескольких регионов скоро добавлю.
    Test please. Simultaneous support of multiple regions will soon add.

    Thread Starter akyboy


    wg_ prefix removed for Display name!!!
    thanks !

    Thread Starter akyboy


    now, I have account on that site, ProBandit,this acc was made manually in WP, ProBandit has same nickname in game, how can he switch to OpenID now and not to lose any contend saved on website already?

    Plugin Author strejla


    This is the problem I’m trying to solve

    Thread Starter akyboy


    no problem!
    i deleted your acc wich you made, so you can try later on about that wg_ prefix.
    also, it would be good to add email prompt during login somewhere,…

    Plugin Author strejla


    Я планирую добавить отдельную страницу для авторизации, где можно будет выбрать регион. После авторизации, если задано в настройках, нужно будет указать дополнительные данные (email, веб-сайт и тп.) На это уйдет время. Надеюсь не так много как обычно =)

    I plan to add a separate page to login, where you can choose the region. After login, if set in the settings, you will need to specify additional information (email, website, etc.) It will take time. I hope not as much as usual =)

    Спасибо за все напряженную работу Strelja и для сохранения этого удивительный плагин жив. Цель очень сильно жду, чтобы проверить новую версию и своих возможностей – Akyboy сделал большую работу с предложением возможностей тоже.

    Thanks for all the hard work Strelja and for keeping this wonderfull plugin alive. Looking very much forward to test the new version and its features – Akyboy did a great job suggesting features too.

    Thread Starter akyboy


    Yes, Strelja is doing it like a boss! Thanks man! ??

    Is it possible to set the group members depending on the rank of the clan automatically at login? I want to make pages that will appear after logging only to certain members of my WoT clan.

    Plugin Author strejla


    Yes, this is possible. I will bring your idea to life as soon as you have time. Thank you.

    Да, это возможно. Я воплощу вашу идею в жизнь, как только будет время. Спасибо.

    It will be great. I’m really looking forward to it.

    Plugin Author strejla


    I was happy to deal with this project right now.
    There are other projects which bring profit. The donation size affects priority in the development.

    Я с удовольствием занялся бы этим проектом прямо сейчас.
    Есть другие проекты которые приносят прибыль. Размер доната влияет на приоритет при разработке.

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