• Hi all…
    New to wordpress and just managed to start a blog from a theme. Managed to upload pictures, figured out posting etc.

    One thing i want to do is remove the wording to the right of my picture. If you look at
    https://www.gregorycoltman.co.uk/blog, click on the picture on the front for 17th Oct, in the following page the picture comes up but slightly smaller and to the right there is some wording. I like the way the date is displayed, but would prefer if it had 2009 next to it, and was on top of the photo. but the wording below the date needs to be removed. is there a simple way of doing this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as i am new to this.
    Many Thanks

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  • The text below the date can be found in your single.php template file.

    Start around line 25 (inside the “entry-meta” class div) and decide what you want to delete up to around line 48.

    Moving the text can be accomplished with an additional CSS property in the bigdate class element in your style.css file around line 47. Try this:

    .bigdate {
      text-shadow:1px 1px 3px #666666;
      top: -190px;

    The ‘top’ property is moving the date up in this case.

    Adding the year to the display date should work by changing this in (or close to) line 24:

    <?php the_time('d M'); ?>


    <?php the_time('d M Y'); ?>

    You may need to tinker with some of this but hopefully it will get you looking in the directions you want.

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