Hello there,
1. For showing custom post type post in the account page, we have a bit of custom code that we can offer.
By default the account page only allows you to edit the post type posts. If you want to edit custom post type posts from the account page, you need to add the following custom code in your WP-content/theme/child-theme/functions.php file:
add_filter( 'wpuf_account_sections', 'wpuf_my_page' );
function wpuf_my_page( $sections ) {
$sections = array_merge( $sections, array( array( 'slug' => 'my-page', 'label' => 'Your post type name' ) ) );
return $sections;
add_action( 'wpuf_account_content_my-page', 'wpuf_my_page_section', 10, 2 );
function wpuf_my_page_section( $sections, $current_section ) {
echo do_shortcode('[wpuf_dashboard post_type="custom_post_type"]');
2. Max image size settings for image upload fe3ature – we can keep the feature request in our log for now.
3. By default the free version’s edit profile doesn’t allow us to upload image. I am unable to discuss any feature that is unavailable in the free version.
4. I am afraid, adding custom field in the edit profile section of WPUF free version is unavailable. If you want to achieve this from the free version of WPUF, proper custom code will be required.