• Hi ok let me just start and say I don’t understand any type of coding I am looking for some to help me with my wordpress website. I will say I cannot pay you as I am looking for someone who would like to add my website to their portfolio.

    Here is my temp website

    Know what I am looking for is a plain page. I don’t want anything like:
    Category,Archives,Tag Cloud,Calendar,Adsense,Most Popular,Similiar Post,Trackbacks,Comments,Leave a Reply,Contact Info,Site Links,Updates
    I don’t need any of this stuff on my site I want all my pages to be a plain page including the home page at the moment that’s not got any type of page were I can put in text so that’s what I need done I have no idea how to do this?

    I would also like the circle w on the menu to change to my own icon I have hal 900 that I would like to use you see I would like it to come online when some hovers over the hal 900 I have 5 images that are in png that I can use to get this effect.

    I also like to have my own header image on all the pages.

    I am unsure on how to edit the code so I am looking for some one who can help me for free. If you help then you can add my site to their portfolio as a thank you.

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