• On my wordpress blog, I frequently post about knitting. More specifically, my knitting progects (don’t look at me wierd, we’re a huge community, just search for “knit blogs”).
    Anyway. I was wondering if there was a way to impliment “hidden” categories. For example, I would like to place all my posts about the current progect I am working on in the same category, so that when a visitor selects that category, they get all the post on the sock (yeah, thats what I knit). On the flip side, my category diplayed list is quite long, without satrting to filter progect posts. I don’t want visitors to “see” all of the categories I have under knitting, because most of them wouldn’t be useful to the visitor.
    Have I confused anyone yet? A few knit blogers can do this type of thing on their MT powered sites, but I am not sure if it’s in their categorys or not (I have never used MT). I would be open to a plugin, but I think this would be a great feature for the standard WP, so we can have more post organization, without cluttering up our sidebars.
    Just my flimsy idea ??

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  • Sorry, I hadn’t regestered yet!

    Maybe you could mail one of those bloggers and ask them how it’s done on their MT blog. This could give you a clue about how to approach the problem in WP.
    Alternatively, check out Kitten’s Cats.

    Okay, after searching around in the forums and the Wiki, I stumbled upon the explanation of the “post meta data”:
    Can this be used to create a “hidden” category? If I gave a couple of posts the same meta data, would there be a way to use the meta data to create page on the fly with all the posts on it?
    If it can be done (I still don’t know to much about meta data or PhP), can someone point me in the right direction? Or is there maybe a plugin somewhere that can do this? If not, could someone help me create a plugin?

    In short, yes it could be done…. but it would take some working, as it’s not straightforward.
    What I’d like to see is the ability to have checkmarks “Show on Front Page” in the category management. This would allow one to hide it from the front page. However, I could see a double meaning where does it mean to hide the category from the category links? Or does it mean hide the posts from that category on the front page? Or does it mean both? Aaaargh! Maybe two sets of check boxes…. one for hiding category posts from the front page, and one for hiding the category itself from the navigation links.

    FYI I’ve made a plugin to do this, which needs testing.

    Please let me know if it works out for you or not, mail to wordpress AT richardgoodwin dot com.

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