• I need to change the colors to match my brand, but I can not. There color codes that can not be clearly identified, for example, the color of the top border of breadcumbs. Also, the colors of the category identification in the inference of the post, and the hover color. Please, I need help.

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  • Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    The template was installed automatically from the WordPress. The folder has the name that WordPress gave her: duena, with lowercase.

    Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    I changed the initial letter of the template name to uppercase and it worked! The child appeared template.

    Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    The child template appeared.

    Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    I changed the initial letter of the template name to uppercase and it worked! The child appeared template.

    Never seen this before ?? Need to remember

    oh, seen that you have duplicate folders – duena_child-master/duena_child-master/

    This could occur when you unpacked the archive. Structure of child theme must be – duena_child-master/style.css for correct work

    Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    It’s all right and I can see the child style.css template. But (there’s always a “but”), the style.css is short and viewing the blog is totally different than it was before. Really, I do not know how to work with templates child … But you are being a great teacher!

    Thread Starter antoniocarloslima


    It’s almost on and it’s last “but”. There is a little bug, but it’s hard to explain for me because my English not very good, but i’m try… When you download archive with child theme from Github it’s strucrure was Duena_child-master.zip -> Duena_child-master -> (child theme files). Then, when you upload it to you website and unzip you got next structure Duena_child-master -> Duena_child-master -> (child theme files). And because of this folders duplication your child theme works wrong – file style.css in child theme can’t find style.css in parent theme. You need to reinstall child theme with next files structure WP themes directory -> Duena_child-master -> (child theme files).

    style.css in child theme is short becase it contains only custom child theme styles, main styles remained in parent theme

    So, i download the duena-child , i put it into filezilla on themes . they show me an error on my dashboard -> its installed but i need a stylesheet and a template. so did i put the stylesheet and the template from duena into it?!!??!?!! i don′t understand it …

    I would LOVE to know more information on this bug issue with the child theme. I my self am issues with uploading it but the change in lower case and capital letter is not working for me =0(


    See the WordPress support document for how to setup a child theme.

    You must reference the master theme from the child theme, it will work fine.

    Here is the code I have so far, you can start with that and change it as needed.

     Theme Name:     Duena Child
     Theme URI:      https://zypath.com/wp-content/themes/duena-child
     Description:    Duena Child Theme
     Author:         Chuck Bunn
     Author URI:     https://zypath.com
     Template:       duena
     Version:        1.0.0
    @import url("../duena/style.css");
    /* YouTube container for responsive theme
    ----------------------------------------------- */
    .video-container {
      position: relative;
      padding-bottom: 56.25%;
      padding-top: 30px;
      height: 0;
      overflow: hidden;
    .video-container iframe,
    .video-container object,
    .video-container embed {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
    /* Post date color on white background
    ----------------------------------------------- */
    .post_date time {
      color: #434242;
    /* Turn of Related post display
    ----------------------------------------------- */
    .related-posts {
      display: none;
    /* Tag Cloud colors
    ----------------------------------------------- */
    .tagcloud a {
      background: #ffffff;
      color: #ff5b5b;
      border: 1px solid #8b8686;

    Hope that helps

    Crap sorry the URL got messed up…

    Ok URl are not working copy this to your browser..


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