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  • Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    Thanks for your feedback ??

    I need to check your first point because if it’s not possible to share with hidden group it may be a kind of bug. So i’ll come back once checked on this topic.

    For the second point it would need to use a checkbox rather than a selectbox + i need to check if it doesnt make my queries more complex..

    Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    I’ve checked, it’s not a bug actually, it’s my fault, i missed something ?? I’ll need to correct this in next version. But it’s not a big mistake, i hope you’ll forgive me ??

    Meanwhile, this is what i will do on next upgrade, i’ll edit the file /wp-content/plugins/buddydrive/includes/buddydrive-item-template.php by replacing line 147 by this one :
    $user_groups = groups_get_groups( array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'show_hidden' => true ) );

    So you can edit it if you want to fix it before my upgrade ??

    Again, thanks for your feedback.

    Thread Starter keithusc


    Hi imath,

    Thanks! Really appreciate your time and help with this, I’ll make the change and look forward to seeing the plugin evolve!

    Wishing you all the best.

    Hi imath,

    I’ve applied the patch code above and it works marvelously on our site for hidden groups.

    I hope there isn’t any complexity of queries involved in that Sharing with multiple groups as it is one brilliant feature that our members could really benefit from. Most members in our BuddyPress site belong to several groups and the convenience of sharing in multiple groups intuitively would be awesome.

    Thanks for your time imath.


    I would have a similar request for multiple groups,

    and I have a similar problem with groups not appearing, but in my case, I’m registered in 3 groups, 2 public and one hidden, and I only have one of the public ones appearing in the group selection box…

    Also, when I assign the file to the only group available, the upload does not appear on the activity page of the group, nor on the general activity page.

    I’m not comfortable with changing code in the templates. So I didn’t check if your fix fixed it… Is an upgrade in view?


    So I actually solved my first problem: Buddypress needs to be activated in a group for it to appear in the list :P.

    And I actually solved my second problem: when sharing the file or folder, it automatically appears in the activity stream.

    Great plugin! Merci:)



    Hi imath,

    Fantastic plug-in, Thanks. I would also looking for sharing with multiple groups feature.

    Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    mmm seems complex to me ?? So not in a near future i’m afraid

    +1 for the multiple groups suggestion, although I understand that it may be difficult.. It would just be awesome if you’d have one place for each file and then “broadcast” it to multiple groups. Now I’ve been using BP Group Documents + multiple copies/uploads of the same file, but BuddyDrive seems so much more fit to this task, if it could “just” support multiple group attachments.

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