• Background:
    I installed v1.2.2 some months ago (a version not listed in the plugin changelog), and never received a plugin update notification. This morning I was prompted to update to v2.0.8… Surprised that so many versions had come and gone with no notifications!

    Current Issue:
    Pages that were previously hidden are now visible. None of the available settings seem to affect page visibility. For pages with no parent, they are now listed beneath my nav menu, floating in space. For pages with a parent, they now appear under the parent page in the nav menu hierarchy.

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  • Releasing the dev versoin to everyone would be good – the plugin doesn’t work at all at the moment.

    Plugin Author scriptburn


    @obversebooks yes the dev version will be released very soon and it is not like that what you are saying plugin does not works as all , there are lots of users of this plugin and most of them are happy with it , only there are some issue with certain users who have certain setting and certain plugin combinations
    For example on of the users was unable to use certain plugin hide post options and on further investigation i found that he had different urls in “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” in Settings->General in wordpress admin due to that some filters of this plugin were not working.

    Also did yo used the dev version did it solved your issues if you had any . ?

    Sorry – should have said that it doesn’t work at all for me, after updating. I’ve dumped this plugin and moved to PC Hide Pages – this plugin is too risky to use on a live site, imo.

    I’m am using 2.0.10 and cannot find a combination of settings that will keep WordPress pages that were previously hidden are now showing up in my “Archives” page. Is there an ETA for the next release that fixes these problems?

    I rolled back to 1.2.3 to get back the functionality I need; now pages where I select “Hide everywhere pages are listed” no longer show up on my Archive page.

    Still eagerly awaiting the next release.

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