Hey again @handjes,
I’m afraid I don’t have a solution for you right now in that case but I will make cards on our internal development board to make it easier to enable/disable features for different user roles.
I did look at the code earlier to see if there was a really quick way that I could figure out getting the metabox hidden but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way without making significant code changes so it will take some developer time to do it.
For the moment you could tell Editors how to hide the metabox in the editor. You can do that by clicking the 3 dots menu item in the top right corner, clicking on ‘preferences’ and then unchecking the accessibility checker box. This setting should be saved on a per user basis only though – not for all users.
For the frontend hilighter we do have a filter that is documented here if you wanted to implement that as well: https://equalizedigital.com/accessibility-checker/customize-who-can-see-front-end-highlighter-edac_filter_frontend_highlighter_visibility/