Hi @webzunft, I’ve been trying to enable Adsense on my site for a couple of months now. The code is there and everything seems to working, but I keep getting the error message:
“Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.
To see the reasons why we did not approve your application, visit google.com/adsense and sign in using the email address and password you submitted with your application.”
That link, however, leads to another message saying it’s under review, with no information on any reasons divulged. Very confusing/frustrating!
I’ve tried to reach out directly, but it appears that they don’t really have a way of getting in touch with them (the links under the generic support lead to another forum/dead end)
Any suggestions/help or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Thomas!
The site in question btw is https://worldofhotspur.com