• Resolved Syed Nabeel



    I am trying to use it as a testimonial slider. I have only 3 Slides to be shown at the same time but the leftmost and the rightmost faded with half slide and when it next or previous (transition) then it becomes active in middle. But Upon 3 slides, it is hiding the navigation arrows and bottom bullets. However, when I am adding 4rth one the arrows appear.

    Example: https://snipboard.io/M2Hxz1.jpg

    Please help me to manage this.
    Many thanks in advance and best regards

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  • Ramona


    Hi @syednabeel

    So you possibly use the Pro version? The slider on your screenshot looks like it’s the Showcase slider type, and that’s Pro only.

    If you use the Pro version, please contact us directly at:
    Please be sure to include a link to your site and the exported slider’s .ss3 file.

    As per forum rules, commercial products are not supported in these forums.

    If you use the free version, can you share the link to your site? If you don’t want to post the link to a public forum, you can send it privately using the link above.

    Thread Starter Syed Nabeel


    Hi, Ramona and thanks for your kind response.

    Well, I haven’t purchased yet but will be in future. However, I have tested and try on Smart Slider’s portal to check but it didn’t worked the way I needed. Also, I have checked on another site which has the pro version installed but still didn’t get a luck.

    Actually, Plugin is all good as required but only when there are 4 slides at-least or more. I got three on which it is hiding the navigation button and is not sliding.

    if you can help me with this, I will be very grateful to you.

    Many Thanks and Regards



    Hi @syednabeel

    I’m sorry for some reason we didn’t get a notification about your reply.

    In an case, the Free version of Smart Slider can only display 1 slide at a time, as you can see on the templates:
    A layout like this:
    can only be done with the Pro version of Smart Slider. As mentioned above, we can’t support the Pro version of Smart Slider 3 here.

    If you currently use Smart Slider 3 Free on your website and built something on your site which has the layout on the above screenshot, then this slider wasn’t built with Smart Slider 3 Free.

    If you use a page builder, it might be their own built in slideshow/carousel. If you’re not sure, try turning off all your plugins. If the slider is still there, it’s coming from the theme.
    If not, start turning on the plugins one by one. The slider will come back when you enable the plugin that created it.

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