Wow, was I mistaken! Brunelleschi is quite a complex theme! I feel smarter just looking at the PHP.
We’re now venturing out of the child theme and need to edit the parent theme files directly. So make a copy of the whole themes/brunelleschi
directory into a new one called themes/brunelleschi-merich
I know that contradicts my earlier advise, but I don’t know how to replace an already defined PHP function and good backups are your friend.
Edit the new themes/brunelleschi-merich/styles.css
and change the Theme Name: Brunelleschi
to Theme Name: Brunelleschi Merich
or anything, just make it different.
Select that new theme in your dashboard and you’ll be ready to start editing the copies you just made.
The “by author posted on date” is produced by the function brunelleschi_posted_on()
which is in the file themes/brunelleschi-merich/functions.php
starting on line 109.
To just get the date without a permalink try editing that functions.php file (you are working on copies right?) like so:
On line 109 change this
printf( __('<span class="meta-sep">by</span> %3$s <span class="%1$s">Posted on</span> %2$s', 'brunelleschi' ),
to this
printf( __('Posted on</span> %2$s', 'brunelleschi' ),
On line 112 change
sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">%3$s</span></a>',
to this
sprintf( '<span class="entry-date">%3$s</span>',
That will produce a “Posted on DATE” without the permalink or the author.
To change the font, add the .entry-meta .entry-date { }
that you want to the end of your new style.css file.