• Resolved gergeda008



    I want to prevent vendors from adding products to some categories

    I found a code that hides some categories from vendors ( for other plugin ), can you help me redo it for dokan?

    add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_vendor_store_taxomony_by_id', function( $is_Allow, $vendor_category_id, $store_id, $preferred_taxonomy ) {
    	$restricted_categories = array(35, 36, 40, 42);
    	if( in_array( $vendor_category_id, $restricted_categories) ) {
    		$is_Allow = false;
    	return $is_Allow;
    }, 50, 4 );


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  • Hello @gergeda008,

    The WooCommerce categories are visible to all vendors by default. Now vendor wise category limitation is a feature available on the subscription module of the plugin. Unfortunately, it is not included in the Dokan Lite.

    You will need custom coding. We can help you with file location and function if needed to modify. I am afraid we are unable to help you with the exact code that can help.

    Thank you for understanding

    Thread Starter gergeda008


    thanks for the answer @roshni07,

    I am not good in coding.

    if I bought the pro version of your plugin will you help me with that? I like your plugin but this feature is very important for my website… I don’t want to look for other plugins


    Hello @gergeda008 ,

    Dokan Pro has a subscription module (from the professional plan) that will allow you to limit the categories for vendors without any coding. You can control commission, number of products, categories, and product types, etc.

    If you want to have a coding solution to hide a specific category for all vendors then you can try this example code in your theme’s functions.php file –

    add_filter('dokan_product_cat_dropdown_args', function($args) {
        $args['exclude'] = 21;
        return $args;

    Thank you ??

    Hi, I also have this problem
    And I want to make some categories ineligible for sellers
    So that the category is displayed but not selected
    -Book of philosophy
    -Art book
    -Children’s Book
    The main category is “book” and I want sellers not to be able to choose this category to create a product. But to understand the subcategories to be displayed to sellers

    Hello @alirezam500 ,

    It looks like you have already opened a new thread for this question. Please follow the thread here – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/restrict-vendor-categories/

    Thank you ??

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