• I’d like to remove the time & date from all comments page on my site. I’ve checked the page.php file, and the comments.php but I’m not particularly sure which it is, there’s a lot of ‘if !empty, etc’ so I’m guessing that’s only for the input fields.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Thread Starter mrenyx


    Err, I mean I’d like to remove the date & time from all the comments ON the pages On my site! lol. Sorry

    You’ll have to create a callback function, as far as I can tell, unless there’s a simpler method.
    There’s an example in the link above. If you want to keep everything else the same as the default, just remove or comment out the part that says:
    <?php printf(__('%1$s at %2$s'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time()) ?>

    Simpler method: if your theme uses a class name for the date/time, you can use CSS to just hide it. For example, if the markup is:
    <span class="commentDateTime">15 April 2010 at 01:23</span>
    You can add this to your CSS:
    .commentDateTime { display:none }

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