• In my wordpress theme i am creat some custom fields like “cp_street, cp_city, cp_mobile_no, cp_company_name” in post details ‘cp_get_ad_details( $post->ID, $cat_id ); ‘all fields display serialy, but i want to like address (cp_street, cp_city) top of page and mobile no.( cp_mobile_no) right side of page and other display same place. Please help me…

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    You can use the more generic get_post_meta() to return the custom field values, which can then be assigned to variables. You can then echo out the variables where ever you like.

    Thread Starter duttasanjib2003


    Thanks for replay.
    i am don’t understand php in depth so please describe me details in code..

    Moderator bcworkz


    Sorry, I can’t in specific code. I’ve no idea what cp_get_ad_details() specifically does. Like how are the custom fields stored? In a single array? Associative or indexed array? As individual values? What is the postmeta key or keys used to store the data? Or the keys for associative arrays?

    Let’s say the data is stored in individual fields and you want to display the post’s associated mobile number on a particular template. I’ll assume the postmeta key is ‘cp_mobile_no’ for this example. You would place the following code on the template file, somewhere inside the “Loop”. You would need to be attentive to if the code is placed amongst HTML or inside of an existing <?php ?> block. This code is for amongst HTML. If inside a <?php ?> block, drop the additional <?php ?> code, because you cannot nest <?php ?> blocks. This is the code:
    <?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'cp_mobile_no', true); ?>

    I did not assign to a variable in this example, that approach is more applicable to where all the data is stored in an array.

    Thread Starter duttasanjib2003


    Thanks for replay.
    I want to just hide this field which is print on my ad details page (all fields display serialy) not delete because mobile no. displayed in other place in same page. please see this page https://www.opendeals.in/ads/accountant-job-2/

    Code Details

    <?php // 3.0+ display the custom fields instead (but not text areas) cp_get_ad_details( $post->ID, $cat_id ); ?>


    // display all the custom fields on the single ad page, by default they are placed in the list area
    if ( ! function_exists(‘cp_get_ad_details’) ) {
    function cp_get_ad_details( $post_id, $category_id, $location = ‘list’ ) {
    global $wpdb;

    // see if there’s a custom form first based on category id.
    $form_id = cp_get_form_id( $category_id );

    $post = get_post( $post_id );
    if ( ! $post )

    // if there’s no form id it must mean the default form is being used
    if ( ! $form_id ) {

    // get all the custom field labels so we can match the field_name up against the post_meta keys
    $sql = “SELECT field_label, field_name, field_type FROM $wpdb->cp_ad_fields”;

    } else {

    // now we should have the formid so show the form layout based on the category selected
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT f.field_label, f.field_name, f.field_type, m.field_pos FROM $wpdb->cp_ad_fields f “
    . “INNER JOIN $wpdb->cp_ad_meta m ON f.field_id = m.field_id WHERE m.form_id = %s ORDER BY m.field_pos ASC”, $form_id );


    $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql );

    if ( ! $results ) {
    _e( ‘No ad details found.’, APP_TD );

    // allows to hook before ad details
    cp_action_before_ad_details( $results, $post, $location );

    foreach ( $results as $result ) {

    // external plugins can modify or disable field
    $result = apply_filters( ‘cp_ad_details_field’, $result, $post, $location );
    if ( ! $result )

    $disallow_fields = array( ‘cp_price’, ‘cp_currency’ );
    if ( in_array( $result->field_name, $disallow_fields ) )

    $post_meta_val = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $result->field_name, true );
    if ( empty( $post_meta_val ) )

    if ( $location == ‘list’ ) {
    if ( $result->field_type == ‘text area’ )

    if ( $result->field_type == ‘checkbox’ ) {
    $post_meta_val = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $result->field_name, false );
    $post_meta_val = implode( “, “, $post_meta_val );

    $args = array( ‘value’ => $post_meta_val, ‘label’ => $result->field_label, ‘id’ => $result->field_name, ‘class’ => ” );
    $args = apply_filters( ‘cp_ad_details_’ . $result->field_name, $args, $result, $post, $location );

    if ( $args )
    echo ‘<li id=”‘ . $args[‘id’] . ‘” class=”‘ . $args[‘class’] . ‘”><span>’ . esc_html( translate( $args[‘label’], APP_TD ) ) . ‘:</span> ‘ . appthemes_make_clickable( $args[‘value’] ) . ”;

    } elseif ( $location == ‘content’ ) {
    if ( $result->field_type != ‘text area’ )

    $args = array( ‘value’ => $post_meta_val, ‘label’ => $result->field_label, ‘id’ => $result->field_name, ‘class’ => ‘custom-text-area dotted’ );
    $args = apply_filters( ‘cp_ad_details_’ . $result->field_name, $args, $result, $post, $location );

    if ( $args )
    echo ‘<div id=”‘ . $args[‘id’] . ‘” class=”‘ . $args[‘class’] . ‘”><h3>’ . esc_html( translate( $args[‘label’], APP_TD ) ) . ‘</h3> ‘ . appthemes_make_clickable( $args[‘value’] ) . ‘</div>’;


    // allows to hook after ad details
    cp_action_after_ad_details( $results, $post, $location );

    Moderator bcworkz


    Ah, I think I understand now. Sorry for my confusion.

    To simply hide the mobile entry as an example, place the following CSS code on your theme’s (better yet, child theme’s) style.css file:

    #cp_mobile_no {
        display: none;

    Every field in the list has an ID similar to “cp_mobile_no”. You can see the IDs when you view the page in source view if you’re not sure of the ID. Use the same CSS as the example for any field you wish to hide, adjusting the ID to match the field being hidden.

    Thread Starter duttasanjib2003


    Thank you my problem is solved, thanks again…

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