• HI there,

    I’ve googled and searched around buy can’t seem to understand this very simple concept…

    How do hide ‘featured image’ from appearing in content in post?

    thanks in advance.

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  • remove the call to the_post_thumbnail from the appropriate template….

    in what file i find that..please ..

    Change to this in the single.php file of your theme: <!–<div id=”xs-post-featured-image”>
    <?php if ($xs_enable_timthumb == “true”) { ?>
    <img src=”<?php //echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/timthumb/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $thumbnail[0]; ?>&h=150&w=150″ height=”150″ width=”150″ alt=”<?php the_title(); ?>” />
    <?php } else { ?>
    <img src=”<?php //echo $thumbnail[0]; ?>” height=”150″ width=”150″ alt=”<?php //the_title(); ?>” />
    <?php } ?>
    </div>–><!– /xs-post-featured-image –>

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