• Resolved ottomek


    Thanks for upgrades on plugin. But could it be made possible to dismiss or remove the admin notice about configuring the firewall. Even when I disabled the community firewall it still appears.

    I’m not ready to use this firewall and don’t want clients to see this and think something is wrong with site.

    To make your site as secure as possible, take a moment to setup the Wordfence Web Application Firewall:


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  • Plugin Author WFMattR



    Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll be adding the option to dismiss this notice in a maintenance update.

    In the meantime, if it’s critical, you can use something like this in your theme’s functions.php to remove the notice before it’s displayed:

    add_action('admin_init', 'remove_wafAutoPrependNotice', 99);
    function remove_wafAutoPrependNotice() {
            remove_action('admin_notices', 'wordfence::wafAutoPrependNotice');

    I tested this briefly, so it should work in typical themes. If you use this code, just remember that it is there for when you eventually do enable the firewall since the message would also alert you if the firewall was no longer working — either due to another plugin breaking it or a change in hosting (or host configuration).

    -Matt R

    Thread Starter ottomek



    Really? Your solution to putting annoying reminders on the dashboard that can’t be dismissed, even when the FIREWALL is disabled, is to tell people to manually hard code it out until a maintenance release at some point in the future? It didn’t enable for me, and the solutions on the website didn’t help, so my choices are either:

    a. hardcode something that doesn’t belong into my theme;
    b. live with the annoying ads
    c. keep working to get the ocnfiguration to work
    d. disable the whole plugin.

    Guess which one I’m likely to choose? Certainly doesn’t give me any incentive to pay for premium if that’s how you treat customers.




    This was a bad decision. Now I have to disable and find another plugin.

    I would like to hide the message without having to activate the firewall

    This was such a poor move, I can’t believe they did this without warning developers.

    If only there were other security plugins. Oh, wait, there ARE! Problem resolved.

    Same problem! I was extremely close in fully uninstalling this plugin after seeing that extremely annoying reminder there! This is exactly why I hate UPDATES. I am so ANTI-UPDATES you can’t believe. All is well and wonderful then out of the blue an update shows up and I’m like “ummmm should I? what if something gets screwed up like it always does? naah it won’t I’ll do it!” then I get this reminder! you can imagine the rest…

    PLEASE RELEASE A QUICK UPDATE to allow us do disable the reminder or I will permanently uninstall. I already have my htaccess file secured, I don’t need Wordfence for that!

    I activated the firewall on my SiteGround server and the MESSAGE IS STILL THERE
    please make it stop

    Same as everyone else. I am not happy about this warning! I have been through all the instructions and I can’t get it done either. There are a lot of things annoying me with Wordfence now. Fix this quick!



    I agree, looks awful on client’s web sites. Like I’m not doing my job to protect them. I love your product, but this notice is obscene.

    This is ridiculous – I have over 70 client sites to manage. When is the quick update with the option to remove this reminder coming out?

    Considering a switch to a competitor tomorrow… I’ve been using Wordfence for years, but this is really not acceptable.

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    A release will be out soon for this issue, sorry for the inconvenience.

    -Matt R

    Nice to get a fast response Matt R. Lets hope the update is as quick.

    Thank you!

    Wow, a little patience, people?!? I agree that a toggle to enable or disable the Firewall would be a nice option. Still, it installed and configured quite smoothly on most of my sites that I manage for clients.

    I do have 3 sites with SiteGround (my site and two other domains that I host) and yes, I am having issues getting it configured on those sites. It’s NOT configuring no matter what I try …

    I will await the update/fix.

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