Great! Woohoo! Will be waiting for the update.. ??
Meanwhile, I managed to tweak it without having to tweak the plugin itself..
I copied profile.php from /plugins/ultimate-member/templates/ to /themes/themename/ultimate-member/templates/ (just like you have given in your plugin’s description, so thanks to you!)
I added these lines the new copied profile.php
if ( um_is_myprofile() && ( um_user('role') == 'member' || um_user('role') == 'admin') ){
$url = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ((strpos($url,'gallery_photo') !== false)||(strpos($url,'gallery_video') !== false)){ ?>
<div class="pay">
<h3>You need to be a subscribed member for uploading files</h3>
<p>Please head over to <a href="link">Payment settings</a> and check back later</p>
<?php }
and ofcourse, added some CSS,
.pay {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 10%;
text-align: center;
width: 1000px;
background-color: rgba(210, 210, 210, 0.8);
z-index: 100;
.pay h3 {
.pay a {
color: #211414;
font-weight: bold;
.pay p {
So it now looks like this :
Screenshot (using AwesomeScreenshot)
So as you can see in PHP code above, users whose roles are member or admin(for testing purposes, added admin as well), won’t get to upload pics and videos! They are shown a notice on only the pages of video and picture upload, and not on about tab(2nd and 3rd line of code takes care of that) which links them to payment settings page. Once the payment is confirmed, their user role will be changed to subscribed member (manually by admin for now). That role will ofcourse won’t get the notice and will be able to upload pics and videos. ??
If you or anyone reading this would like to have a brief look, register here with mock info and try it on profile page! ??
Might have been a nasty way to do it, but got the job done for the day. ??