• I have a page on my site that requires somebody to enter a password in order to see the data. My site is using WP’s default “Password Protect” feature, so no other plugins help with this.

    Since the site was built a year ago, we’ve been using the Hide Login area feature. However, now it’s not letting the Password Protected page to work. When we enter the password, it redirects us to https://www.mydomain.com/wp-login.php?action=postpass — which shows up as a “nothing found” page.

    I’ve been forced to disable the Hide Login Area feature, but that’s not good since a lot of people use this site and now we have to notify them the login URL has changed. How can I get around this, please?


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  • Having the same exact issue here. Pass protected posts/pages are no longer accessible once you enter the password when the “Hide Login” feature is enabled.


    Yes, same problem here. I had to disable the Hide Login feature to get password protected pages to work properly again. I’m using latest versions of WP and the iThemes Security plugin. Hope the iThemes folks will respond to this thread.

    Can one of you guys contact us directly. This was confirmed fixed in both our testing by other customers who reported it. Would love to see what is different with you guys. https://ithemes.com/security/bugs/


    Will write you in a few minutes. Thanks.

    thanks! I’m away from my desk, but I’ll respond later as well. I appreciate your responding to this!

    Thread Starter cwendt01


    It’s working now for me! I’m running WP 3.9 and iThemes Security 4.2.2.

    For me I had to deactivate Redirection (a plugin that’s used for remembering 404s and such), clear the site’s cache, test the password-protected page, and re-enable Redirection. Without doing that it’d keep redirecting me to an error page when trying to access the password-protected page.

    Thanks so much for fixing this bug, iThemes! ??

    Hey Cwendt101,

    That’s great to hear! If anyone else could confirm this as well it’d be greatly appreciated.

    Please let us know!



    WP 3.9 + 4.2.2 and the 404 page is still occuring on password protected pages. Site’s cache was cleared. I have also sent you a private msg. Thanks.

    I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to test this again for a while on our live site, since we expect a lot of activity soon on that password-protected page and I can’t risk having people reach the 404 page. So I have to leave the Hide Login Area feature off for now. But I look forward to hearing more about what might fix the problem so that I can turn the feature on again eventually. We’re not using a Redirection plugin, so that wasn’t the problem with our site. I am using the WordPress default feature for password protection, and except on browsers that had been logged in as admin on the site, the password-protected page also kept redirecting to the error page.

    I still have problem with this for months. We don’t use it too much, but I was trying to fix it few times without success. With the sec.plugin disabled, it works fine, with the plugin enabled, it would just go to 404. I use the hide backstage feature. I submitted the bug report.

    Having a similar problem.

    When I have the Hide Login feature activated the Reset Password link, on the login page, takes me to a 404 page. When the Hide Login feature is deactivated the Reset Passoword link works again. Note the action in the URL.


    I’m still getting this issue with WP 4.1 and latest iThemes Security

    Did anyone find or have a fix for this at all?


    Thread Starter cwendt01


    I’ve had some hit-and-miss luck with this. Some of my sites it works fine, others it has an issue, and I’m not sure why. Uninstalling iThemes Security completely (including the database rows) and reinstalling it might help.


    In a vanilla (single site) WP (4.1) environment with only the iTSec plugin (4.6.2) installed\activated and the “Hide Login Area” feature enabled, password protected pages seem to work just fine.

    So there must be something very specific in your env that causes this issue. I’ve done some research on the issue and I would love to actually see this happen.

    So can you (or anyone else) provide me with a password protected test page URL that allows me to see the issue. Also provide me with the correct password for the page.


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