Good day Jon.
We have a UI field for meta_box_cb and taxonomies slated for 1.6.0, but that’s not ready yet.
That said, you’re not out of luck by any means, as we have long had filters available for the registration arguments for cases where we don’t have UI spots for.
The following code can easily be added to your theme’s functions.php file or if you’re a bit fancier, via a custom plugin. The snippet isn’t meant to be copy/pasted exactly, as I demo 2 different ways to handle things: either for all taxonomies, or conditionally by taxonomy slug.
function jon_edit_taxonomy_args( $args, $tax_slug, $cptui_tax_args ) {
// Set to false for all taxonomies created with CPTUI.
$args['meta_box_cb'] = false;
// Alternatively, you can check for specific taxonomies.
if ( 'genre' === $tax_slug ) {
$args['meta_box_cb'] = false;
return $args;
add_filter( 'cptui_pre_register_taxonomy', 'jon_edit_taxonomy_args', 10, 3 );
This snippet can be removed once 1.6.0 is out the door and you’ve used the new field at the time.
Let me know if you need any help with this or have questions.