• https://apexbookcompany.com

    What we’d like to do is be able to create a page containing a story and not have that available to be viewable by the public until the author of the story has had a chance to view it and sign off on it.

    I thought about setting the page up with a password, but this causes the post to actually post and go out on our RSS feed. We don’t want that.

    Any ideas?

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  • Just set the publishing status as draft. Only click on save, don’t click on publish until you want it published.

    ok, once published and we unpublish, it can still be seen to the public, how can we hide it?

    by the way, i need help with warning array problem. i’m no software expert, but need to resolve it as website is not looking right.


    Thread Starter Mari


    flammobammo, I know that. Duh. I’ve worked with WordPress for almost five years now. I know how drafts work.


    What you posted doesn’t answer my question.

    We want the authors of these stories to be able to see them before they’re released on the public website — without making them have to go through the rigmarole of signing up at the site and having to comb through the dashboard.

    I haven’t studied this, but can’t you just let them have a preview URL for the draft?

    Thread Starter Mari


    Ooh. Let me try that. Thanks!!

    Thread Starter Mari


    Nope. That didn’t work. I can see that preview page, but when I gave the link to my editor/publisher, he got a “no matching results” error.

    So. Back to the drawing board.

    True, that only works if you’re logged in.

    Perhaps you could save the Pages to a new ‘undisplayed’ category (eg: previews) by excluding that category from your WP loops. You could give the authors the ‘previews’ Page URLs, then when all is well, change a preview Page’s category to an existing public one.

    Thread Starter Mari


    Thanks. We’ll try that and see what happens. If it doesn’t display on the RSS feed, that’d rock.

    Thread Starter Mari


    Okay. In the loop,

    <p class="postmetadata">Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?>

    shows you what category a post was posted in…

    How would I get that to exclude a category? That’s the one thing I can’t find now — although the idea was perfect. ??

    Depending on how much work you want to do on this, you may need to find all your WP loops in the theme files and modify them as required. I’m sure it can be done. I searched the forums for “exclude a category” which produced a few ideas. Perhaps someone knows a simple method. I think you can use a minus sign to exclude a category, eg: (excludes category 7)

    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('cat=-7&showposts=100');
      while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    etc etc

    There’s also https://codex.www.ads-software.com/The_Loop#Exclude_Posts_From_Some_Category

    Thread Starter Mari


    We’ll see what happens.

    Thanks a ton.

    Mari, with all due respect, I did address your original question, you just didn’t mention that you didn’t want the user to have to log in to view the draft. In this event, when you have previewed the unpublished article yourself, just print it to a pdf, or take a screenshot, and email it to them. No hacks required! (And I’ve only been using WordPress for 2 years ?? )

    FYI if unpublished articles are displaying on your RSS feed, then something is wrong or you have found a bug.

    Thread Starter Mari


    I never said that unpublished articles are going out on the RSS feed. You’ve just misunderstood everything I’ve posted and aren’t helping any.

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