Hi @jorgehoffmann,
Yes, it is possible to hide the product’s price, subtotal, and total from the reminder email. It’s not possible currently to hide the product image in the reminder email.
You can add the below code in the “functions.php” file of your currently active theme.
You can use the below code to Hide the Price in the reminder email:
add_filter( 'wcal_reminder_email_price_value', 'change_price_value', 10, 1 );
function change_price_value( $item_subtotal) {
$item_subtotal = ''; // Hide the price.
return $item_subtotal;
Below code you can use to hide the subtotal in the reminder email.
add_filter( 'wcal_reminder_email_line_subtotal_value', 'change_subtotal_value', 10, 1 );
function change_subtotal_value( $item_total_display) {
$item_total_display = ''; // Hide the line subtotal.
return $item_total_display;
Below code you can use to hide the cart total in the reminder email.
add_filter( 'wcal_reminder_email_cart_total', 'change_cart_total', 10, 1 );
function change_cart_total( $cart_total) {
$cart_total = ''; // Hide the cart total.
return $cart_total;
Kindly add these custom codes to the “functions.php” file of your currently active theme and let us know whether it is working as per your requirement or not.