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  • I am experiencing the same issue. I have the checkbox unchecked in the settings panel and I am sure I saved but still see related videos on all embeds throughout the site.

    A solution would be much appreciated!

    Same here. Need a solution!

    Same problem for me!

    Me too. I finally just used the YouTube embed code, as it was for just one video on the whole site.

    Found a (dirty) solution. Go to “vipers-video-quicktags.php” and edit line 2992.

    Change “&rel=0” to “?rel=0”.

    Worked for me!

    Clean (non-tweaking plugin source) solution:

    Make sure that youtube videos are set to not play related videos in your Viper plugin settings, then go to the video on youtube. Click the “Share” tab, then click the “Embed” option. Check “Use old embed code”. Copy everything from the value parameter after “//” and paste in between the youtube shortcode tags. Then change the & a m p ; to &.

    Should look like this:

    I fixed this problem doing that on the vipers-video-quicktags.php

    line 2988:

    $url = '' . $embedpath . $color1 . $color2 . $border . '&rel=' . $rel . '&fs=' . $fs . '&showsearch=' . $showsearch . '&showinfo=' . $showinfo . $autoplay . $loop . $hd;
    		$url = (strpos($url, '?') === false) ? preg_replace('/&/', '?', $url, 1) : $url;
    $this->swfobjects[$objectid] = array(
    			'width' => $atts['width'],
    			'height' => $atts['height'],
    			'url' => $url,

    line 3851 (more or less):
    $content .= ' swfobject.embedSWF("' . $this->wpuntexturize(esc_url($embed['url'])) . '", "' . esc_js( $objectid ) . '", "' . esc_attr( absint( $embed['width'] ) ) . '", "' . esc_attr( absint( $embed['height'] ) ) . '", "10", vvqexpressinstall, ';

    Thank you @rafaelmoraesdefreitas – that worked for me.

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