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  • Plugin Contributor gVectors Team


    Hi Alessia,
    Thank you for reporting these issues. We’re going to fix and release a new version asap…

    Thread Starter Alessia Pierini



    When do you release a new version to solve our issues? I have some urgency, because the website is already online.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Contributor gVectors Team


    Hi Alessia,
    It’s already done, we’re testing… We’re going to release 1.4.2 within next 1-2 days.

    Thread Starter Alessia Pierini


    Ok. Thank you very much.

    Good work.

    Plugin Contributor gVectors Team


    1.4.2 is released please update and check if it works for you.

    Thread Starter Alessia Pierini


    Hi. Thank you for this new version!!
    You have resolved almost all my issues, but I’ve just a last request for you.
    There is a button for quotation request into the product summary, the same button linked to contact form that you have already hidden.
    Is it possible to hide also this button into generated PDF (it’s Avada theme shortcode)?
    Moreover I’d like to show product attributes with their names instead of their slug. ex. Print “Diagonal of the monitor” (NAME) instead of “diagonal-monitor” (SLUG).

    I hope you can solve also these two last issues.


    Thread Starter Alessia Pierini


    I have a last request for you.
    Is it possible to hide also button text (the same button for quotation request) into generated PDF?


    Plugin Contributor gVectors Team


    Could you please explain what plugin is that and how do add the button. What shotcode you use. It would be better if we have admin login to check and find some way to filter this button from PDF documents.

    Thread Starter Alessia Pierini


    Hi. I use modal window of Avada theme to load a contact form into popup window on click event over the button.
    This is a code example of used shortcode in product page:
    [button link=”” color=”blue” size=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” shadow=”” icon=”fa-play” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”contact-form” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]EXAMPLE TEXT[/button][modal name=”contact-form” title=”EXAMPLE TEXT” size=”large” background=”#ffffff” border_color=”” show_footer=”no” class=”class_example” id=””][contact-form-7 id=”000″ title=”example_text”][/modal]

    I hope you can filter this button from PDF documents, so I will resolve all my issues. Thank you very much!!

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