Hmmmm, valid question that I don’t have a complete answer for, but I have an answer for our side of things. However, the method will be different depending on version.
In 4.1.3 or lower, you can check and compare against the user_status value that you can fetch with get_userdata(). We previously used this db column for setting approved status, and if I recall right, a value of 69 meant “pending user”.
$userinfo = get_userdata( $user_id );
if ( 69 == $userinfo->user_status ) {
//do stuff here.
However, in 4.2, I made the conscious decision to move away from user_status in favor of a user meta value. So you’d need to do similar code like so
$mod_status = get_user_meta( $user_id, '_bprwg_is_moderated', true );
if ( 'true' == $mod_status ) {
//User is moderated, do necessary stuff here
This user meta one won’t apply until I get 4.2 released, and that will likely be a couple weeks. I am giving an ample window of time for users to beta test if they wish. If no major show up by then, I’ll be pushing it up officially.
That’s the part we cover. The part that I’m not sure of offhand is any wordpress hooks that you could use to hide profile fields for BuddyPress stuff. That part you may need to check on yourself, but hopefully the bits above will help.