• Hi everybody,
    I’m always very happy to find help in support posts,
    so now, my turn to help.

    Admired theme has a lots of very cool options,
    but I’ve spend a lot of time to find how to hide tags in excerpt.

    This is my solution :

    – go to the Editor, open “loop.php”
    – search for this line

    span class="cat-links">
    <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted in</span> %2$s', 'admired' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links', $categories_list );
    $show_sep = true; ?>

    – just add before this code
    and after

    so you will have this for now :

     <span class="cat-links">
    <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted in</span> %2$s', 'admired' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links', $categories_list );
    $show_sep = true; ?>

    Hope this will be helpfull for you?

    If you want to hide “respond” (“répondre” in french)
    find this code :

    <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( '<span class="leave-reply">' . __( 'Leave a reply', 'admired' ) . '</span>', __( '<b>1</b> Reply', 'admired' ), __( '<b>%</b> Replies', 'admired' ) ); ?>

    same job, add <?php/* before, and */?> after

    so you will have this for now :

    <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( '<span class="leave-reply">' . __( 'Leave a reply', 'admired' ) . '</span>', __( '<b>1</b> Reply', 'admired' ), __( '<b>%</b> Replies', 'admired' ) ); ?></span>

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