Hide ThumbNail on Blog Post Page
I have the following problem. On my Blog Post page there are always two pictures for the same post, one is a thumbnail and the other one is the full image. That looks stupid.
This problem only appears, when I use the OG Plugin to display the correct picture on Facebooks Open Graph in the news article by marking the field “elect picture for post”:https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/og/
Now to solve this problem -after reading a lot here – i used the following CSS command
.entry-thumb { display: none; }
That did not work. What will I have to do in order to solve this problem? The OG Plugin Code is (no support on the plugin site):
if ( ! class_exists( 'iWorks_Simple_Facebook_Open_Graph' ) ) { class iWorks_Simple_Facebook_Open_Graph { private static $meta = 'iworks_yt_thumbnails'; private $version = '2.4'; function __construct() { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'wp_head' ), 9 ); add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'add_youtube_thumbnails' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ) ); } public function add_youtube_thumbnails( $post_ID, $post ) { if ( 'revision' == $post->post_type ) { return; } if ( 'publish' !== $post->post_status ) { return; } delete_post_meta( $post_ID, self::$meta ); $iworks_yt_thumbnails = array(); /** * parse short youtube share url */ if ( preg_match_all( '#https?://youtu.be/([0-9a-z\-]+)#i', $post->post_content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[1] as $youtube_id ) { $iworks_yt_thumbnails[] = sprintf( 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/%s/maxresdefault.jpg', $youtube_id ); } } /** * parse long youtube url */ if ( preg_match_all( '#https?://(www\.)?youtube\.com/watch\?v=([0-9a-z\-]+)#i', $post->post_content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[2] as $youtube_id ) { $iworks_yt_thumbnails[] = sprintf( 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/%s/maxresdefault.jpg', $youtube_id ); } } if ( count( $iworks_yt_thumbnails ) ) { update_post_meta( $post_ID, self::$meta, array_unique( $iworks_yt_thumbnails ) ); } } private function strip_white_chars( $content ) { if ( $content ) { $content = preg_replace( '/[\n\t\r]/', ' ', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '/ {2,}/', ' ', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '/ [^ ]+$/', '', $content ); } return $content; } public function wp_head() { printf( __( '<!-- OG: %s -->', 'og' ), $this->version ); echo PHP_EOL; $og = array( 'og' => array( 'image' => apply_filters( 'og_image_init', array() ), 'description' => '', 'type' => 'blog', 'locale' => $this->get_locale(), 'site_name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), ), 'article' => array( 'tag' => array(), ), ); // plugin: Facebook Page Publish remove_action( 'wp_head', 'fpp_head_action' ); /** * produce */ if ( is_single() ) { global $post; $iworks_yt_thumbnails = get_post_meta( $post->ID, self::$meta, true ); if ( is_array( $iworks_yt_thumbnails ) && count( $iworks_yt_thumbnails ) ) { foreach ( $iworks_yt_thumbnails as $image ) { $og['og']['image'][] = $image; } } /** * attachment image page */ if ( is_attachment() && wp_attachment_is_image( $post->ID ) ) { $og['og']['image'][] = wp_get_attachment_url( $post->ID ); } /** * get post thumbnail */ if ( function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) ) { if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) { $thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'full' ); $src = esc_url( $thumbnail_src[0] ); printf( '<link rel="image_src" href="%s" />%s', $src, PHP_EOL ); printf( '<meta itemprop="image" content="%s" />%s', $src, PHP_EOL ); printf( '<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="%s" />%s', $src, PHP_EOL ); echo PHP_EOL; array_unshift( $og['og']['image'], $src ); } } $og['og']['title'] = esc_attr( get_the_title() ); $og['og']['type'] = 'article'; $og['og']['url'] = get_permalink(); if ( has_excerpt( $post->ID ) ) { $og['og']['description'] = strip_tags( get_the_excerpt() ); } else { $og['og']['description'] = strip_tags( strip_shortcodes( $post->post_content ) ); } $og['og']['description'] = $this->strip_white_chars( $og['og']['description'] ); /** * add tags */ $tags = get_the_tags(); if ( is_array( $tags ) && count( $tags ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { $og['article']['tag'][] = esc_attr( $tag->name ); } } remove_all_filters( 'get_the_date' ); $og['article']['published_time'] = get_the_date( 'c', $post->ID ); $og['article']['modified_time'] = get_the_modified_date( 'c' ); $og['article']['author'] = get_author_posts_url( $post->post_author ); /** * article: categories */ $og['article']['section'] = array(); $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $post_categories ) ) { foreach ( $post_categories as $category_id ) { $category = get_category( $category_id ); $og['article']['section'][] = $category->name; } } /** * article: categories */ $og['article']['tag'] = array(); $post_tags = wp_get_post_tags( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $post_tags ) ) { foreach ( $post_tags as $tag ) { $og['article']['tag'][] = $tag->name; } } /** * profile */ $og['profile'] = array( 'first_name' => get_the_author_meta( 'first_name', $post->post_author ), 'last_name' => get_the_author_meta( 'last_name', $post->post_author ), 'username' => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post->post_author ), ); /** * twitter */ $og['twitter'] = array( 'card' => 'summary', ); foreach ( array( 'title', 'description', 'image', 'url' ) as $key ) { if ( isset( $og['og'][ $key ] ) ) { $og['twitter'][ $key ] = $og['og'][ $key ]; } } } else { if ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) { $og['og']['type'] = 'website'; } $og['og']['description'] = esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); $og['og']['title'] = esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ); $og['og']['url'] = home_url(); } /** * get site icon and use it as default og:image */ if ( ( ! isset( $og['og']['image'] ) || empty( $og['og']['image'] ) ) && function_exists( 'get_site_icon_url' ) ) { $og['og']['image'] = get_site_icon_url(); } if ( mb_strlen( $og['og']['description'] ) > 300 ) { $og['og']['description'] = mb_substr( $og['og']['description'], 0, 400 ); $og['og']['description'] = $this->strip_white_chars( $og['og']['description'] ); $og['og']['description'] .= '...'; } /** * print */ foreach ( $og as $tag => $data ) { foreach ( $data as $subtag => $value ) { $filter_name = sprintf( 'og_%s_%s_value', $tag, $subtag ); $value = apply_filters( $filter_name, $value ); if ( empty( $value ) ) { continue; } if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { $value = array( $value ); } foreach ( $value as $single_value ) { $this->echo_one( $tag, $subtag, $single_value ); } } } echo '<!-- /OG -->'; echo PHP_EOL; } private function echo_one( $tag, $subtag, $single_value ) { if ( empty( $single_value ) ) { return; } $filter_name = sprintf( 'og_%s_%s_meta', $tag, $subtag ); echo apply_filters( $filter_name, sprintf( '<meta property="%s:%s" content="%s" />%s', esc_attr( $tag ), esc_attr( $subtag ), esc_attr( $single_value ), PHP_EOL ) ); } private function get_locale() { $facebook_allowed_locales = array( 'af_ZA', 'ak_GH', 'am_ET', 'ar_AR', 'as_IN', 'ay_BO', 'az_AZ', 'be_BY', 'bg_BG', 'bn_IN', 'br_FR', 'bs_BA', 'ca_ES', 'cb_IQ', 'ck_US', 'co_FR', 'cs_CZ', 'cx_PH', 'cy_GB', 'da_DK', 'de_DE', 'el_GR', 'en_GB', 'en_IN', 'en_PI', 'en_UD', 'en_US', 'eo_EO', 'es_CO', 'es_ES', 'es_LA', 'et_EE', 'eu_ES', 'fa_IR', 'fb_LT', 'ff_NG', 'fi_FI', 'fo_FO', 'fr_CA', 'fr_FR', 'fy_NL', 'ga_IE', 'gl_ES', 'gn_PY', 'gu_IN', 'gx_GR', 'ha_NG', 'he_IL', 'hi_IN', 'hr_HR', 'hu_HU', 'hy_AM', 'id_ID', 'ig_NG', 'is_IS', 'it_IT', 'ja_JP', 'ja_KS', 'jv_ID', 'ka_GE', 'kk_KZ', 'km_KH', 'kn_IN', 'ko_KR', 'ku_TR', 'la_VA', 'lg_UG', 'li_NL', 'lo_LA', 'lt_LT', 'lv_LV', 'mg_MG', 'mk_MK', 'ml_IN', 'mn_MN', 'mr_IN', 'ms_MY', 'mt_MT', 'my_MM', 'nb_NO', 'nd_ZW', 'ne_NP', 'nl_BE', 'nl_NL', 'nn_NO', 'ny_MW', 'or_IN', 'pa_IN', 'pl_PL', 'ps_AF', 'pt_BR', 'pt_PT', 'qu_PE', 'rm_CH', 'ro_RO', 'ru_RU', 'rw_RW', 'sa_IN', 'sc_IT', 'se_NO', 'si_LK', 'sk_SK', 'sl_SI', 'sn_ZW', 'so_SO', 'sq_AL', 'sr_RS', 'sv_SE', 'sw_KE', 'sy_SY', 'ta_IN', 'te_IN', 'tg_TJ', 'th_TH', 'tl_PH', 'tl_ST', 'tr_TR', 'tt_RU', 'tz_MA', 'uk_UA', 'ur_PK', 'uz_UZ', 'vi_VN', 'wo_SN', 'xh_ZA', 'yi_DE', 'yo_NG', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_TW', 'zu_ZA', 'zz_TR', ); $locale = preg_replace( '/-/', '_', get_bloginfo( 'language' ) ); if ( in_array( $locale, $facebook_allowed_locales ) ) { return $locale; } /** * exception for German locales */ if ( preg_match( '/^de/', $locale ) ) { return 'de_DE'; } return false; } /** * Load plugin text domain. * * @since 2.4.0x */ public function load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'og' ); } } } new iWorks_Simple_Facebook_Open_Graph();
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