@trimastir, In order to display vendor’s name, city, pin code, add the following code in the function.php of the current active theme :
add_filter('wcmp_sold_by_text', 'test_func', 10, 2);
function test_func($text, $post_id) {
$vendor = get_wcmp_product_vendors($post_id);
$city = get_user_meta($vendor->id, '_vendor_city', true);
$pin = get_user_meta($vendor->id, '_vendor_postcode', true);
$new_text = 'City: ' . $city . ' ' . 'Pin: ' . $pin . ' ' . $text;
return $new_text;
Regarding the Vendor Hide reference menu, are you asking that when the customer will click on the vendor’s name under More Offer tab (https://prnt.sc/kmqf46):https://wcmpdemos.com/WCMp/product/album-2/
If you are referring to something else, please share the page url and screenshot of the modification you are looking for.