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  • Plugin Author DBAR Productions


    There is no built-in setting to show things that way right now, but you can add that to the feature requests section of my web site forum.

    If you are comfortable with a tiny bit of PHP code, the plugin has extensive hooks already in place to allow you to modify most of the text that is displayed to the public.

    You could do what you want by putting in a large # for the tasks, then check the option to “Consolidate remaining slots?” (in the existing settings). Then, in my plugin, there is a filter hook that I use for all public output, for the remaining text, it looks like this:

    $remaining_text = apply_filters( 'pta_sus_public_output', sprintf(__('%d remaining:  ', 'pta_volunteer_sus'), (int)$remaining), 'task_number_remaining', (int)$remaining );

    You can tap into that to alter or remove the showing of the number of remaining sign-ups.

    Or, if you are not comfortable with PHP, you can help support this plugin by using the very cheap Customizer extension, which allows you to easily modify (or remove) most of the public text output that my plugin generates:

    Thread Starter brianstoiber


    I was able to remove pretty much everything with the customizer plugin. Figured the price of it is cheaper than my time to go through and manually do everything.

    The only thing I don’t see it in is the Open Spots for each sheet on the main page and the filled spot count on the sheet page. Both, just to the left of View and Sign Up and Sign Up. They show “200 View & sign-up >>” and “0 , Sign-up >>” on the following page

    Plugin Author DBAR Productions


    Yes, it covers “most”, but not “all” of the public output strings.

    However, I’m trying to wrap up the calendar view extension (partially funded by another user), and I’ll need to release an update with a few more hooks in this plugin to make them work together… so, I’ll try to remember to put output filter hooks on the open/filled spots, if possible, or possibly an option to hide the counts.

    Plugin Author DBAR Productions


    And, thanks for the purchase! I put in WAY more time on these than I make back from the very small number of extensions I sell, but I appreciate all purchases and support!

    Thread Starter brianstoiber


    You are welcome. Hopefully you can get an update for those hooks in the near future.

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