• Hi everyone!

    Has anyone run into a plugin that allows disabling certain admin menus for particular roles? For example – if I wanted to hide “Links” for Editors and Authors, but not for Admins? Or Posts for everyone BUT admins?

    I’m working on an install of WP for someone that’ll be using this pretty much exclusively as a CMS – so Pages is the focal point.

    Is there something out there that accomplished this?


    – J

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  • I have been looking for the exact same thing. Role manager and adminimize maybe what you are looking for. Role manager works great but doesn’t allow the access to the dashboard modules (menus).
    Adminimize looks like it would be the plugin for this. But I was unable to open the collasible options menus which made the plugin useless.

    I would even settle to change the default screen options and use WP-CMS Post Control to remove the screen options completely. Then the user couldn’t adjust it.

    There is a way to remove the dashboard from the users access. The only thing they would see is their profile page with NO DASHBOARD menu. Use WP Hide Dashboard to accomplish this.

    If Adminimize doesn’t work, you could try CMS Post-Control, though it may not do exactly what you need it to do.

    I finally figured out the conflicting plugin with Adminimize. It was WordPress Gallery Slideshow.

    As for CMS post-control…excellent plugin. But it doesn’t allow any functional change of the default dashboard modules at different user levels.

    maybe 2.8 will spawn some results…

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