• Hi all. I have a problem with my worpdress blog bounce rate in google analytics. When I first started this blog 2 months ago, I had a 40% bounce, I was trying to reduce that with wp database optimizer and wp super cache. Plus I added new social follow buttons from Addthis website, but now the bounce rate grow and is around 80%, from search engines around 90%. I dont know whats wrong, maybe the site looks different on other browsers or its realy slow. Please help if you can.

    Website is https://www.playthishiphop.com

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  • not really a WordPress topic –


    imho, this could also mean that your visitors find what they want, directly coming from the search engines, without a need to ‘browse’ to other pages in your site.

    for instance, check the bounce rate for individual pages.
    and the average time on page..

    it is possibly more useful to ask these kind of questions in a google forum (?)

    Thread Starter mattklis


    The average visit duration on bounce rates 100% is 00:00:00s. Can you tell me is everything ok with my site?

    100% is horrible. You should try to limit bounce rate to around 30%.

    Thread Starter mattklis


    Yes I want to do that ?? But I dont know whats wrong, Is it the website speed or something like that. Can anyone help me please?

    The lack of compelling content to make the visitor stay on your site, making the visitor click at least another link on your site, the time he spends on your site, etc. can reduce the bounce rate. The visitors hitting the back button as soon as they arrive thinking that it is the wrong place, too much of ads or external links that take them out of your site as soon as they arrive, etc. are factors that increase the bounce rate. There are 100s of reasons for high bounce rate, and 100s of solutions to reduce bounce rate.

    Bounce Rate is one of the Key Factors that can increase or decrease your ranking and bring you on the first page of search results and consequently increase your traffic as well as ROI.

    However, this is not the appropriate place to discuss the topic. It is very vast and essential part of SEO.

    You can have look at the short explanation from Google to understand precisely what Bounce Rate is:

    Thread Starter mattklis


    Ok thanks. But if the time of visit is 00:00:00s so the visitor didnt even do anything

    Yes, 00:00:00s time that you quote may not be for all your pages. If the Bounce Rate is very high it may show so. There may be pages that show very low bounce rate and those pages may show the number pages visited as more than 1. Look at the pages having low bounce rate and try to create content on the topics of those pages. That will reduce the bounce rate.

    Currently the average page visit is 1 for your site. It should go up, as 2, 3 or more. If the average goes up, the bounce rate will come down. Study Google Analytics stats closely. That way you can correct it.

    One way is to not have all your recent content on one page.


    No, that won’t help much because anything (static pages or blog posts) with the same URL will be counted as one page for Analytics. As I suggested, if you add new content consistently and with links to pages that have 100% bounce rate, it will help the poorly ranked pages get better ranking, and a click that takes the visitor to one more page will take care of the problem. It works more or less how related pages are shown below posts. Take a clue from that and link two or three pages with proper anchor texts. That will make the visitor curious to know what it is about. It all depends on intelligent and well thought out content writing.

    First I think your site is well designed, it looks really good. Have you been attempting to get traffic from people who are interested in your topic? If not that could explain it.

    I’m no expert on bounce rate, in fact I found this because my bounce has been between 60% and 70% and I’m trying to figure that out. I think mine might be because it’s not super nitched down and perhaps some visitors are only interested in the post they searched for.

    Here’s my site if anyone here can offer some advice on it.


    Thread Starter mattklis


    I was checking google analytics and 95% organic visits are related to the topics. My website is 2 month old so maybe it will take time do change. In last week the bounce rate droped to 63%.

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