• I’ve tried no less than 6 times now to hire a professional consultant in wp to do some troubleshooting/bug fixes for me, but every time they’ve faded away at the point of actually taking the job, even when offered $100 bucks an hour.
    This includes from the official wordpress listing of approved consultants!
    Can anyone tell me the name/email or site of a consultant they’ve used who has actually come and done the job on their site that they were hired to do?
    I’m getting desperate, as I’m struggling along trying to figure it for myself, but it’s taking me quite literally months, when with the help of a pro the site could be running and open in a few days, as I just don’t have the know-how to fix this stuff myself. I’m not proud, and admit I need help, but having an impossible time in find it!
    Anyone want a paying job, and can show me their own site so I can see that you at least know how to do one?

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  • This forum isn’t the place to look for professional services or to seek professional recommendations.

    Could you elaborate on the problems?

    Moderator cubecolour


    As Esmi says, this isn’t the place to find paid help. Maybe if you post details of your issues someone could suggest how you could look at fixing the issues yourself.

    For paid consultants, post the job to https://jobs.wordpress.net/

    Thread Starter Bobsanders


    Hey Guys,

    Yeah, I realise that the volunteer forums are problably not for this and apologise; put it down to a tired frustration rant at 3am :/

    But, in my defence, I’ve already tried various jobs boards, without success, and three previous topics I started here over the past month have garnered no replies at all, nada, so when writing that, I didn’t really have a serious belief that anyone would reply. My experiences with support, even paid support forums at wmpu dev, have not been helpful, any more than the jobs boards.
    Maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but it hasn’t filled me with a lot of confidence and was feeling really down about it.

    Thanks for asking Othellobloke, but I’ve already listed details in my other threads, and I think it’s considered wrong to run a topic into different areas, if my limited understanding of forum etiquette is right, and I’d better start doing it properly before I cheese anyone off, heheh, but they can be found in my profile links ??

    Cheers, Bob.

    Since you’re using MU, you might want to try posting your questions in the Multisite forum.

    and when posting, try and tag things, many of the support volunteers use them to find posts related to things.

    As you are using MU and buddypress, I’d suggest tagging with multisite and buddypress

    Thread Starter Bobsanders


    Good advice, Guys, Thanks ??

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