• Resolved FaresNB



    I have tried and made some experiments to compare the hit counts of the plugin with the hit counts on Google analytic of some posts and pages. I can assure that the hits counted by the plugin is lot more less that it is showing on Google analytic. However, it is relatively close; meaning it is always less with a percentage of 40% – 60% less than Google has counted for each page or post.

    I have tried other state counter plugins and looks like they have the same problem.

    Please note that I am very sure about the problem, maybe the huge number of visitors is affecting the hit results that not all hits are counted:

    I want to thank you really for the simplicity and professional development of your plugin, as well as your replies.

    Looking forward for the updates!
    Do you


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  • Plugin Author Hugh Lashbrooke


    I haven’t done any comparisons like that myself, so I have no data on my side to look through.

    The only thing that I could see being an issue is if a page is loaded at exactly the same time by more than 1 person – in that instance it would most likely only count 1 hit. That would only apply if they accessed the site at exactly the same millisecond though.

    Other than that, this hit counter will be 100% accurate and you can actually trust its numbers more than any third-party tracking software (including Google Analytics).


    Thread Starter FaresNB


    Hi Huge,

    Just want to confirm, does the plugin counts:

    – Search engines hits?
    – Hist from visitors came from a shared link on Facebook or other external website?
    – Hits from RSS?

    I can relate your hits results with other plugins where I am getting the same problem, so I am trying to see what is different and causing this gap. What even makes me more sure about it is that I had a previous custom script programmed only for my website, and the hits counter built in it was giving exact results as Google analytic at that time! (I mean 100% matching number; that is when I compare the results after 24 hours of publishing) I have moved to WordPress 3 weeks ago and still I cant get the same hit counts as Google analytic is giving.
    You can have a lock on the old version of my website here if you want to:

    And just one more tip: After sharing a link to a post on facebook, even facebook is giving me link is clicked much more that the hits counter has counted.

    Plugin Author Hugh Lashbrooke


    The hit counter counts actual page views, no matter what the source is. So if someone loads your page it will count them as a hit – the source of the link is completely irrelevant.

    Like I said, the only way the hits would not be counted is if multiple people visit the page at exactly the same time, but other than that it will definitely count the hits.

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