Hole Security -help!
well… I’ve been having a problem with my wordpress… but actually I dont know where the problem is anymore…
my site: https://www.elrincondelgeek.com don’t know where, has been having some security problem, becouse every now and then, I have some <iframes included in my template, or sometimes in the WP core…
Which is actually very annoying.. for linux user, the iframe do nothing, for win user, some antivirus pop up for them…And well, I dont know anymore where the problem is…
I set all in my directory to chmod 755. See tha last things I instaled if was a problem, and I cant see anything.
Also checked some plugin, like Wp-Super-Cache, Twitlogin, OpenID, and desactivate them just in case.. but nothing.
Also believe it was some new jscript I insert in my site, and nothing..
Any help?(my server runs in debian, in DreamHost, I have the WP2.7.1)
also have the exploit scanner to help me.Thanks in advance
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