Hi Jsyc333,
First off, great choice in theme, Hueman is absolutely stunning, however it’s understandable that the setup might be a bit confusing… so I will try to explain this the best I can.
To create a new menu all you need to do is log into your WordPress dashboard, then go to Appearance, then Menu and click on the create an new menu link.
The first thing you do is give your menu a name, it can be anything – this will not show up anywhere on your website, its only for your own reference.
Then add pages, categories or custom links to your menu by selecting them from the left hand column and clicking on the Add To Menu button.
You can drag and drop the menu items and arrange them exactly as you want them to appear. When done, just click on the Save Menu button at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.
Your theme comes with 3 designated menu areas, Topbar (the area above the Website Name), Header (the area below the website name) and the Footer (the area at the bottom of the page).
To add a menu to one of those location, simply go to the Manage Locations tab and use the drop down to select the menu. Then save to apply. The menu should now appear on the front of your website.
Whew, that’s quite a lot to take all in at once, isn’t it? So here is a video that explains the process https://youtu.be/3TkXaoMIzQ4
Hope this helps, if there is anything else you need just let me know ??