• Hey, I was wondering if how you make a page and then set it as the “Home” on your site. That way there is like one page as your home, and then there is a “blog” page. My friend Smaran did it on wordpress so I know it can be done, i just dont know hwo

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  • See the Codex: Creating a Static Font Page.

    This plugin does exactly what you want:


    that filosofo page is dragging
    and the options/reading didn’t help

    I want a Home page button
    but I am a mother not a coder
    so you must make it very clear
    like Matt does

    How do I create a Home Page?
    Thank you for your kindness.

    In current versions of WordPress (2.3.x) you no longer need a plugin to set a “static” Page as your home page. Just look at the Front Page settings under Options > Reading. As for your “didn’t help” we would need more information to help figure out why.

    Exactly what am I supposed to


    on the Options/Reading/FrontPage in order to create a Home page? It’s not exactly clear what I’m to DO there.
    The only thing I saw to DO was update options.
    Do I need a category that says Home?

    First, you create a Page (Write > Write Page) that you want as your home page.

    Next, you have two options (under Options > Reading) for what goes on the home page: latest posts, or a Page of your choosing.

    To set a Page, you select the ‘A static page’ radio button, then the Page you want under the ‘Front page’ drop-down list.

    Optionally, you can (create and) select a Page that will function as your top level posts page. But this is not a requirement.

    Finally, you click the Update Options button to make your changes.

    Nice try, Kafka, but it didn’t work. Here’s why.

    I create a page; I call it Home. Home doesn’t show up with my other pages nor does it show up on the dropdown under Options/Reading/FrontPage/Select.

    Which shouldn’t matter if I want my latest post to always be my front page, which I do, if front page is the same thing as home. Is it?

    Update options then leads to nothing. I need a Home page!!

    Kafka is not my name. Feel free to call me Kaf.

    I can’t tell you why you are not seeing your ‘Home’ Page under Options > Reading. The only Pages which should not appear there are any which you have not ‘published’ yet.

    A web site’s home page is just the top level or front page to it. On a blog site this is typically just the latest posts. It can be anything, though. I assumed you wanted a ‘static’ WordPress Page set for your home page because that is the topic of this thread.

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