• hello Everyone,

    I have seen like 20 posts here and googled everything I can.

    1. I tried setting the home page to posts and to one (even another) static page at Settings->Reading – IT DIDN’T WORKED
    2. I tried Settings->Permalinks without changing anything didn’t worked.
    3. I temporarily edited 404.php to prevent that error for sometime.
    4. There are already posts & page, so it’s not NO POST EXIST issue.

    Finally, I moved back again to Permalinks and chose the default “?p=” and then it worked perfect. I then changed it back and the error was again there (home page returned 404). I’ve mentioned 2 temporary solutions, please let me know a permanent fix as the default permalink ?p= ain’t so nice and I would like to go back to a much better seo friendly one.

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  • It could be a server issue. Some servers aren’t set up to display pretty permalinks. Windows server can do this.

    Where are you hosting your site and did you ask them if they could help?

    It could be a server issue. Perhaps within the site as well though. Db issue. A lot of possible things it could be, however, you did get it to work with your temp fixes.
    [Promo deleted]

    @bigchadjon – please do not use these forums to promote or advertise your or anyone else’s services.

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