• I have been spending hours trying to find a solution to my current dilemma and was wondering if some folks here might have a solution.

    My site (truimage.net) I have it setup to have featured post on the home page and if I set the posts per page to an odd number like seven, it will correctly show 6. However using the pagenavi plugin for pagination, when I get to the next page by clicking next, It will show 7 posts instead of of 6. Any ideas why this would occur and how I might go about correcting it?

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  • Why would it be 6?
    You set it to 7. On the main page you have 1+6=7.
    Where are you expecting the 6 from?

    Thread Starter Dave Bergschneider


    I made a mistake in my description.

    You are correct home page is 1+6=7 which is what I want however when clicking the navigation for next page it comes out to 1+7=8. My mistake but still the same issue.

    Thread Starter Dave Bergschneider


    No ideas? Anyone?

    Thread Starter Dave Bergschneider


    Nevermind, I’ll just get rid of the concept.

    I’ve also spent hours trying to solve a similar problem. I wanted to show 6 posts on the front page plus featured post and 10 posts on the other pages with no feature (and also using pagenavi plugin). I set up the blog to show 10 posts on the Options panel and added this code to my index.php before the loop:

    if (get_query_var('paged') < 2){
        include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/featured.php');

    You can adapt the code to your needs. This works for me but I’m not a programmer, so if anyone has a better suggestion please let us know of it. ??

    Edit: Oh wait, I just noticed the pagination on the first page is screwed up because it thinks there is 6 posts in every page so it shows more pages than they exist. =_= If I find a solution I’ll post it here.

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