I have a similar issue. Static homepage & post page separate
Post (blog) page: https://www.615lawyer.com/franklin-attorney-blog
When loading https://www.615lawyer.com/franklin-attorney-blog/amp the correct content for my home page shows. The following code is present on the blog page: <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.615lawyer.com/”> [points to my home page]
My actual homepage adds the most recent article from my blog page a few lines down on the home page only.
Somehow my front page and post page are merging in AMP. Under Google validator https://www.615lawyer.com/amp shows the same title that my blog page shows, but provides the meta data from the home page.
@ampforwp – Does this matter and how do we fix this?
@rodigarganico .. try loading the /amp version of your blog page to see if your home page loads. Thanks!