• Resolved WPJEDI


    Hi guys,

    Big fan of this plugin. We have been using it for a few months with no issues. I am not sure what is going on with the latest update but my homepage doesn’t update when our scheduled posts go live. We run an online community with scheduled posts throughout the day. We didn’t change any settings. The updates are published but don’t show up on the homepage unless I manually page.

    Any help with this is appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    May I know how exactly do you trigger the wp cron ?

    best regards,

    Thread Starter WPJEDI


    Thanks for getting back to me. To be honest with you, we installed this plugin a few months ago, set up the purge settings on Purge All on Upgrade, then chose auto purge rules for front page, homepage, pages, all pages with recent posts widgets, post type archives, and term archive.

    We didn’t use any advanced settings. And it was working fine for months before the last update. A post would be scheduled, when it went live, front page would update. Now it does not. The pages are published by WordPress but the old cached version of the frontpage is shown and is not refreshed without manual purge.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by WPJEDI.
    Thread Starter WPJEDI


    Just to update, we downgraded to the previous version and now everything works. Here is the strange part: all the sites running WordPress 6.1 don’t update the homepage unless we use the previous version of Litespeed. We had one site that was using the previous version of WordPress but the latest version of Litespeed and for some reason that worked.

    So here is what our investigation shows:

    LiteSpeed 5.2.1 + WordPress 6.1 works just fine.
    LiteSpeed 5.3 + WordPress 6.1 frontpage does not purge automatically
    LiteSpeed 5.3 + WordPress 6.0.3 works just fine

    All settings on our sites are identical. And we have been running Litespeed for months with no changes.

    Plugin Support usabe


    Hi @cyrus100

    Due to inactivity of this topic, I will mark this topic as “resolved”. If you still have such issues, please feel free to open a ticket with further information by emailing to [email protected]. Remember to reference this topic and?ask to assign your ticket to?Abe.?I will check into this further from there.

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