• Resolved fynight



    I have started using your caching softwware after many years with wp rocket (this is now fully removed, all folders and database) However, even when we set the homepage not to cache, always update when new content goes live, it always sticks to the 3600 rule set by the headers, and when headers turned off its even longer. We even purge all and still sticks to the same.

    This is what we do to test, we open all browsers to get a cached version, we then close all browsers, we then create new content in one of them, this browsers will update as its the one we are using. We then load the other browsers to see if the home has changed but nope. we wait 3600 re launch browsers and they have updated.

    however, if we purge the cache, all pages apart from the homepage will be updated with new content inc the meus at the top, go back to the homepage and its still the old content inc the menus that show recent content.

    any advice please

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @fynight

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to assist you with this.

    What you are referring to is related to Browser Cache and not the Page Cache since the front page is excluded from the cache.

    Can you please let me know if the hard reload helps with the front page?


    Thread Starter fynight


    Yes, if you do a refresh of the browser the new content is viewable on the homepage, however, a general viewer should not have to or feel they need to. Also incognito mode with any browser will also show the latest content, turn if off, old content only on the homepage.

    Like I said this is only the homepage, when we purge all cache all pages update, homepage never updates regardless of the settings we have chosen. We want the homepage to update for the viewer and there browser cache when ever new content goes live without any delay.

    So basic

    Perge all cache, everything gets updated, apart from the homepage.

    Hard refresh of browser content gets updated on the homepage

    Viewer should not have to hard refresh

    ignotico mode always gets the latest content on homepage.

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @fynight

    Thank you for your feedback.
    As I’ve mentioned in the previous post, the reason behind this is the browser Cache and the fact that the page is cached in the browser of the visitor.

    You can simply disable “Set expires header” and “cache-control header” options in Performance>Browser Cache>HTML&XML section, save all settings and purge the cache.


    Thread Starter fynight


    we had them disabled before, but had the same issue. this is why we enabled headers to get it to work

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @fynight

    Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your patience as I’ve taken some time to test this. I’ve set the front page not to cache and disable the cache control header and expiration header in Performance>Browser Cache>HTML&XML. Once I’ve done this, I saved all settings and purged the cache. I’ve reloaded the website and visited a couple of pages including the front page just to make sure that other pages are cached.

    After this, I’ve updated the content which shows on the front page. Without hard reload, I visited the homepage and voila, new content was showing without hard reload or regular reload of the page.
    This being said, by disabling the cache control and expiries header and excluding the front page from the page caching, the front page will always reload itself without any cache.

    After a closer inspection of your website, I also noticed the following header: x-sucuri-cache: HIT

    This means that you have another layer of caching besides W3 Total Cache and it’s a big chance that even if the front page is not cached by W3TC, it’s still being cached by sucuri cache.

    Please check with your hosting provider if you can bypass the front page.


    Thread Starter fynight


    cache control via sucuri firewall is set to minimal or I can set to header control… I can add the homepage as an exclusion easily.

    but i would love to know, how did you change settings, edit content without loggin as admin I am impressed.

    Thread Starter fynight


    if i was to remove a page from sucuri cache which I have checked is set to header control, would it simply be the site address. Or would that effect every page with the site address

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by fynight.
    Thread Starter fynight


    also during testing, did you load browsers and close them after visiting, then re launch them to see if you could view the new content right away.

    also is there a way of giving viewers a cache page but something that is not with a 1hr refresh time somerhing like 15mims instead? Or even 10mins? Just wondering. As caxche is always a good way to runa site to a degree .

    Thread Starter fynight


    OK I can see my settings have not changed on the actual site, what exactly do I need to change as there are a lot of options in this plugin….. Providing images would be awesome or even a short video would be even better. Also in regards to the cache page Homepage, I would like that still to be fast loading, but have a very short refresh rate for browser cache expires, 1 hrs is all well and good, but to get it down to pure mins would be awesome. Or once an article goes live, this activates a browser cache update request on the next visit.

    i actually thought you had gained access to my site through the plugin and did all the changes LOL, that would be impressive

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by fynight.
    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @fynight

    All of the settings were changed while logged in to wp-admin. And I’ve checked the behavior on other devices using Chrome, Firefox.

    And yes you can also change the settings programmatically by editing the configuration file or using wp-cli.

    Please check the screenshot below. This is the Browser Cache settings page. There you should disable the Set expires header and cache control header. Save all settings and purge the cache once done and check your front page if the header is still there. Make sure to also purge the sucuri cache.

    Thread Starter fynight


    may i ask, how do you gain access to wp admin to change stuff on your plugin and do other stuff, if it like a back door or something

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @fynight

    I’ve tested this on our environment.

    Naturally, I am unable to do anything in your wp-admin. Sorry for mistunderstanding.


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