• Resolved haraa19


    First I tried to import my page from local to domain and I tried that thru plugin all in one wp migration. It worked but it deleted some pictures and it was fine. Then when my friends started loading page they were looking at ‘hello world page’ not my page (i did my permlinks it isnt that), after that i reseted whole wordpress to zero, started with ‘starter templates’ plugin and editing with elementor and finished the page again from zero. When I finished again for me it was showing good page but for otheres was still ‘hello world’. I did all static settings , even created new page and set it for homepage and again was same. I literally tried everything from permlinks to static settings to creating new page and it still doesnt work. But my https://suadsalibasic.com/biografija, https://suadsalibasic.com/kontakt, https://suadsalibasic.com/novosti, they all work. Please help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Yui



    Your pages are cached server-side using LiteSpeed Cache
    You have to install helper plugin and flush cache whenever you do updates, otherwise you can disable cache for site under development in your hosting settings, for more info contact your web host support.

    Thread Starter haraa19


    But why are the other pages updating normally and only homepage is being “bugged”. I tried flushing cache, deleting and it still doesn’t work . Do you have any other suggestions?

    Thread Starter haraa19


    And one more thing to add is that when I try to open the website thru incognito tab it works normally + for me site is always normal, and for others isn’t. please help

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi there,

    As Yui mentioned, that definitely looks like caching-related.

    But why are the other pages updating normally and only homepage is being “bugged”. I tried flushing cache, deleting and it still doesn’t work . Do you have any other suggestions?

    It could be different reasons. Maybe the caching for the homepage was created differently, or maybe the other pages’ caching was already flushed from other triggers.

    And one more thing to add is that when I try to open the website thru incognito tab it works normally + for me site is always normal, and for others isn’t. please help

    That’s interesting. Do you mean it works as expected if you are logged out or using incognito?

    If so, it could also be browser caching or CDN caching. Do you use any CDN from your end? Have you also tried flushing any caching on your hosting provider?

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