• Hi, I’m using the Twenty Twenty-Two theme for our website.

    I’m trying to troubleshoot two issues:

    I have done all the tweaks suggested in the forums, but without success:

    Under Reading settings, I have the default option selected because the ‘Front Page’ that comes with the theme does not appear in the drop-down list of possible static pages to choose from. The Posts page is set to ‘Forum’. The same thing goes for our Homepage settings under Appearance > Customise.

    Under Appearance > Editor > Templates, the Front Page is set to our site’s Homepage (https://www.southsouthmovement.org/). I understand that Front Page “displays your site’s homepage, whether it is set to display latest posts or a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates.”

    However, I still cannot resolve the two issues above.

    Any help appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • bernhard-reiter



    I’ll try to address both issues separately.

    Our Homepage keeps appearing when I go to our Posts page

    I believe the reason for this is that you haven’t set a Homepage under Settings > Reading. (You mentioned that you kept the default option — that would be the — Select — option, right?)

    Note that the “Front Page” that’s part of the theme isn’t an actual page — that’s why it doesn’t show up in the Settings > Reading dropdown. It’s actually a template — a layout that’s used to style individual pages, but also post lists, search result lists, etc. (The Appearance > Editor screen is for editing those templates; it’s sometimes called the “Site Editor”.)

    To remediate, you’ll need an “actual” page for use as a home page. You can simply create a dummy page (without any content, as that will be ignored anyway) under Pages > Add New Page. You then need to select that page as the Homepage under Settings > Reading.

    This should have the effect of using the Front Page template for your home page (rather than the Blog Home template, as it was before). It will continue to use the Blog Home template for your Posts page, but this is fine, see below.

    Our posts are not appearing on our Posts page called ‘Forum’.

    In order for your posts to appear on your Posts page, the corresponding template needs to include a special block that renders them. In order to fix this issue, edit your Blog Home template in the Site Editor. You’ll want to insert a Query Loop block. Here’s some more documentation on how that block is used.

    Let me know if that helps!

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